Belgium and Luxembourg (Eyewitness Travel Guides)

(WallPaper) #1

Street-by-Street: The Old Town

With its cliffs and deep river valleys, La Vieille Ville (The Old
Town) has one of the most remarkable locations in any capital
city. Although vestiges remain of the mighty military fortifica-
tions, which once defended the city in concentric rings, it is
the refined elegance of 18th- and 19th-century urban building
that predominates, with the Palais Grand-Ducal as the centre-
piece. Two of the city’s best museums are also found here.
But the highlights of the area are the spectacular views,
notably from the Place de la Constitution, the Plateau
du St-Esprit and the Chemin de la Corniche.


For hotels and restaurants in this region see pp274–5 and pp300–301

Place Guillaume II
The city’s largest square is named after
Grand Duke William II (r.1840–49),
whose equestrian statue stands in the
centre. The 19th-century Neo-Classical
Hôtel de Ville lines the entire southern
side of the square, which is also
known as the Knuedler.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Central to the public life of the
nation, Cathédrale Notre-Dame
was originally a Jesuit church,
consecrated in 1621. It became
a cathedral when the Grand
Duchy was awarded its own
bishopric in 1870. The ornately
carved gallery forming the organ
loft dates from the 17th century.

The Plateau du St-Esprit is a spur of
rock fortified in the 1680s. After sen-
sitive modernization, it became the
site of the Cité Judiciaire, headquart-
ers of the country’s justice system.

Gëlle Fra
The Monument
of Remembrance,
in the Place de
la Constitution,
is a statue on a
tall granite obelisk.
It commemorates
soldiers who served
in World War I.


. Palais Grand-Ducal
. Casemates du Bock










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