Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Ma rc h9,20 20 BARRON’S 17


Threeex change-tradedfundsthat can offerinv estorssoliddividendgro wth

Re cent YTD Dividend Assets Expe nse

Dividend ETF / Ticke r Price Change Yie ld (bil) Rat io

Vanguard High DividentYield/ VYM $84. 94 -9. 4% 3. 7% $27 .9 0. 6% 0

SPDRS&P Dividend/ SDY 97. 69 -9.2 3.2 17. 9 0.3 5

Schwab U.S.DividendEquity/ SCHD 53. 11 -8. 3 3. 5 11 .1 0. 06

Da taasof3/5/ 20 Source:Bloomberg

right anddemandfor fossilfuelscontinues

to riseov re thenext20 years,thecompany

couldbe in a greatpositionin a fewyears,


ketsharefromit rivals.s

Chevron,whosesharesareoff 21%this

year, to $9 5, coversit dividends morecom-

fortably. It nowstandsat 5.4%.

Ne xt to energy, financialst ock shav e

beentheworst performersin thestock

marke thist year, as inv estorsanticipate

weaker bankearnings.Thesharpdropin

ratesis themainculprit,pressuringnet

interest margins.

Bankearningscouldbe lowe nri 2 020

thanin 2019, butthati reflecteds in the

stocks whic, h aredo wnan av erage of 25%

so far thisyear. Wi th thedecline, some

bankslikeWellsFargo, whosesharesare

off 30%thisyear, to $37 , andComerica

(CMA), at $45,yieldov re 5%.Othermajor


Bankof America(BAC), andCitigroup


“Webelieve bankdividendsaresafe,”

JasonGoldberg, theBarclays bankingana-

ly st, emailedB ra ron’ son Friday. “While

bankearningswillbe ad versely impacted

by thesudden dropin interest rates,it is

important to notethattheindustry enters

thisperiodof uncertaintyfroma position

of strength,withrecordcapital andliquid-

ity andbenignasset-qualitytrends.”

Banks,he notes,aresu bjectto a far

moread verseeconomicandfinancialsce-

narioin theannualstresstestsadminis-

teredby theFederalReserve thanwhat’s

likely fromthecoronavirus. Theextreme

stressscenarioenvisionsan 8%dropin

grossdomestic productfrompeaklev els

anda 10%unemploymentrate, against

3.5%in February.

TheWellsFargo yieldisve y safe,”r Jami-

sonsay s. “ThenewCEO[Charles Scharf]

willcleanhouse.It’ s a greatfranchise, andit

willbecomemoreconsumerfriendly.” A

majormortgage lender, WellsFargo should

alsobenefitfromthedropin rates.

AbbVie, which is dueto completeits

merge w hr it Allergan(A GN)in thecom-

ingmonths,trades around$89andyields

5.3%,amongthehighest dividendsin the

drug group.It hasa comfortablepayout

ratioof about50%,basedon it s projected

2020 earningso aboutf $9 .6 7 a share.

Dow, thechemicalsproducer, ash been

hit hardalongwithothereconomically

sensitive st ocks, falling29%thisyear,to

$40.It yields7%andhasa highpayout

ratioof 81 %basedon projected 2020

earningsof $3. 49 a share. Do w is commit-

tedto whatit callsan “industry-leading

dividend.”Ho wardUngerleider, its presi-


thecompany’s “No. 1 priority”for free

cashflo w on an earningsconferencecall

in January.

AT &T,whosesh aresat $37yield5. 6%,

hasa managea ble pay outratiobelow60%.

Thecompany is sufficiently comfortable

withit s outlookto increaseit shares repur-


ist hedgefundElliottMa nagement.

Altria,knownfor its Marlborociga-

rettes,hastakena write-downo aboutf

60%on its Ju ul Labsstake, butthat

shouldn’t affectits ability to paythedivi-

dend.At $43,Altrianowyields8%.The

company takesits dividendver y seriously.

It hasliftedit 54 timesin thepasthalf-cen-

tury, includinga 5%increaselastyear.

ThetopU.S.cigarettemakertargets an

80%dividendpay outratio. Gi venthehigh

yield,someinv e orsst wouldliketo see

Altriaforgo a dividendincreasethisyearor

raisethequ arterly pay out—now 84 cents—

by justa pennyto buybac k morestock.

Likeotherlife insurers,PrudentialFi-

nancialhasbeenhit by thedecline in inter-

est rat es, whichmaypressureearningsas

maturingbondholdingsneedto be rein-

vestedat low er yields.Thecompanyhasone

of thehighest yieldsof its peersanda

comfortablepay outratioof under40%.It s

shares,at ab out$7 0, yieldov er 6 %.

In vestorscanalsoplayhigh-yielding

stocks throughmanyETFs,includingthe

VanguardHi gh DividendYield(VYM),

SPDRS&PDividend(SDY),andSch wa b

US DividendEquity(SCHD),all yielding


Manyinv est orsnowpreferlower-yield-

ingst ock s withsaferdividends,butthereis

stilla placefor highyieldersif inv est orsare

selective in theirchoices. B

  • Jim Cullen,Chairman& EOC

Fo further information,r pleasecontactSchaferCullenCapitalManagement

212.644.1800• [email protected]•

SchaferCullenCapitalManagementis an independentinve stmentadvisorregisteredundertheInvestment

AdvisersAc of 1940.t Thisinformationshouldnot be usedas the primarybasisfo r anyinve stmentdecision

nor,shouldit be construedas adviceto meeta articularp inve stmentneed.It shouldnot be assumedthatany

securitytransaction,holdingor sectordiscussedhas beenor will be profitable,or thatfuturerec ommendations

or decisionswe makewill be profitableor equalthe inve stmentperformance iscussedd herein.A list of all

recommendationsmadeby the Adviserin this strategyis av ailableuponre questfor the 12 monthspriorto the

dateof this re port.


EnhancedEq uityIncome


InternationalHi ghDividend


“A t the end of the day, the messageis

clear.B disciplinede about price,don’ t

ov erreactto headlinenewsand be a

long-term investor.”

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