Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

32 BARRON’S March9,2020



idden within the

volatility and wor-

ried headlines this

past week were

glimmers of hope

from tech land: So

far, the coronavi-

rus-related guidance reductions from

tech companies have been relatively


Consider the announcements from

chip makers: On Tuesday,Qorvo

(ticker: QRVO) lowered its March-

quarter sales guidance by $50 million

to $770 million. Qorvo makes radio-

frequency, or RF, semiconductors,

which enable smartphones to commu-

nicate with wireless networks.

NXP Semiconductors(NXPI),

Skyworks Solutions(SWKS), and

Marvell Technology Group

(MRVL), each announced similarly

modest impacts from the virus.

So far, most of the guidance reduc-

tions have related to falling demand in

China, but there is now the possibility

that the worst is over there. Foxconn,

which manufactures Apple iPhones

among many other products, said this

past week it expects factory production

to improve by the end of the month.

“We are currently of the opinion

that business conditions are steadily

improving in China, with both supply

and demand improving as each week

passes,” Piper Sandler analyst Troy

Jensen wrote on Wednesday.

To be sure, business trends and

outlooks could still deteriorate if in-

fections accelerate around the world,

but investors should begin to think

about buying opportunities.

The coronavirus won’t likely be the

end of the world. (We hope.) Yes, mar-

kets don’t react well to uncertainty, but

over the long term stocks are valued on

earnings power. We could see a couple

of difficult quarters or even a year of

subpar results, but either of those sce-

narios should not have a significant

effect on the fundamental value of

companies. Once investors can more

comfortably assess and handicap

downside risk, markets could stabilize

faster than expected.

Here’s how to find opportunities

amid the selloff:

First, avoid companies with exces-

sive debt on their balance sheets; ex-

treme short-term pain could imperil

these otherwise healthy companies.

Companies with potential bankruptcy

By Tae Kim

Thus far, chip companies are talking about

a relatively modest impact from coronavirus.


Lam Research’s CFO. “Customer demand

is still very strong.”

Olly Curtis/Future/Getty Images

Tech Looks Better

Than You Think

risk aren’t worth the analytical head-

ache either. Leave that to experts.

For now, the safest practice would

be to look for companies where cash

exceeds debt. Then it’s about identify-

ing large stock slides among busi-

nesses levered to an eventual rebound

in confidence.

After a sharp drop,Uber Technol-

ogies(UBER) fits the bill.

The ride-hailing firm had $10.9

billion in cash at year-end. Its shares

have fallen 22% since rallying nearly

10% on Feb. 7, the day after it reported

better-than-expected financial results

and said it now expected to be profit-

able by the fourth quarter of this year.

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said

at a technology conference on

Wednesday that he is “confident” the

company will hit its goal of being prof-

itable this year, based on Ebitda, or

earnings before interest, taxes, depre-

ciation, and amortization. Khosrow-

shahi noted countries with the biggest

coronavirus issues represent less than

1% of the company’s business. Uber’s

airport-related segment, which ac-

counts for 15% of company revenue

has slowed some, he said, but it was

nothing “alarming.”

On Tuesday, Needham analyst

Brad Erickson reaffirmed his Buy

rating for Uber. “We think coronavi-

rus concern has created a very attrac-

tive buying opportunity,” he wrote.

“We acknowledge the airport and

related rides could be hurt in the near

term...We’re buyers and add Uber to

our conviction list.”

Another company to consider is

Lam Research(LRCX), which makes

essential equipment for chip makers.

Lam’s chief financial officer says the

company hasn’t seen a significant neg-

ative impact from the outbreak.

“We’re looking at this every day,”

CFO Doug Bettinger said during a

visit toBarron’sthis past week. “We

have not seen any change in customer

demand as a result of this. Customer

demand is still very strong.”

Lam is a key arms dealer for the

major global chip makers likeSam-

sung Electronics(5930.South Korea)

Micron Technology(MU),Taiwan

Semiconductor(TSM), andIntel

(INTC). These companies need to buy

Lam’s bleeding edge chip-making

equipment to compete. Being one step

removed from consumer demand is

good news for Lam and should reduce

volatility in its business.

This past week, Lam announced

more shareholder friendly policies. It

now plans to return 75% to 100% of its

free cash flow to shareholders, up from

50%. Bettinger alsovowed toincrease

its dividend on an annual basis. Lam

Research stock is down about 15% over

the last three weeks; it now yields 1.6%.


week ago we wrote about

opportunities in the so-

called “stay-at-home”

stocks. For the most part,

the basket continued to outperform

the markets, led by the videogame

stocks, which ended the week up an

average of 6% versus a 0.6% gain for

the S&P 500.

Zoom Video Communications

(ZM)—a pure play on videoconferenc-

ing—jumped after it reported far bet-

ter-than-expected earnings on

Wednesday. CEO Eric Yuan said the

coronavirus is forcing everyone to

accelerate their remote-working strat-

egies. “I think overnight almost every-

body really understands the need of a

tool like this,” he said on the com-

pany’s earnings call. “This will dra-

matically change the landscape.”

Zoom shares ended the week up 9%.

As we hope for better news on the

virus front in the coming weeks, in-

vestors should hedge for the worst.

That could mean a barbell approach:

stay-at-home stocks on one end, Uber

and Lam on the other.B

Uber’s CEO said he is still confident about the

companyturning profitableby the end of the year,

despite the impact of coronavirus.

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