Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

38 BARRON’S March9,2020

State Treasurers

Caution the SEC

On Proxy Advice


nvestor protections are under

threat, and the culprit is the

Securities and Exchange

Commission. Catering to the

pleas of corporate interest

groups, the SEC is moving

quickly to impose new regula-

tions on proxy advisor firms that will

undermine a well-established, mar-

ket-based system that has served in-

vestors, companies, and the U.S. eq-

uity market for decades.

As state treasurers, we are respon-

sible for safeguarding and investing

billions of dollars on behalf of tax-

payers, pensioners, college savers,

and units of government. As we seek

to provide the highest level of service,

stewardship, and financial value to

our beneficiaries, our offices rou-

tinely vote on proxy ballot items.

These votes involve fundamental

business decisions, including the

election of board directors; executive

compensation; and environmental,

social, and governance, or ESG, risks

and opportunities. Proxy voting is a

critical means for investors—the ac-

tual owners of these companies—to

signal issues of concern, hold corpo-

rate leaders accountable, and protect

their assets.

However, on Nov. 5, 2019, the SEC

proposed new rules that represent an

unnecessary, unprecedented, and de-

structive intrusion on the relationship

between investors and their advisors.

Institutional investors rely on proxy

advisors, like Institutional Shareholder

Services and Glass Lewis, to provide

timely, independent recommendations

on proxy ballot items that require votes

every year at tens of thousands of

companies around the world.

Proxy advisors have recently been

accused, without specific examples, of

altering director nominee recommen-

dations at the secret direction of a small

cabal of their clients. Advisors are

retained to provide independent,

evidence-based analysis to their clients,

and it is difficult to discern a motive for

any advisor to disregard its responsi-

bility to the vast majority of clients who

pay for objective reviews at the behest

of a tiny fraction of that group. Proxy

advisors have helped inform investors,

and ultimately corporate leadership, as

they develop and institutionalize best

practices. These markets worked

through corporate democracy, without

government intervention.

The SEC appears to believe that

proxy advisors have become too pow-

erful and needlessly sway voting deci-

sions. We disagree. Proxy advisors

serve at the behest of investors, not vice

versa. Proxy advisor firms have devel-

oped policies and recommendations

that reflect the views of their clients on

important issues such as staggered

boards, executive compensation, and

dual class voting. The information pro-

vided drives vote decisions that have

helped improve many facets of corpo-

rate governance for decades.

Despite the plodding pace of change,

corporate insiders bristle at the ac-

countability that the proxy voting sys-

tem has created. Public company law-

yers and bankers, industry trade

groups, and corporations have lobbied

the SEC to put a stop to the practice.

The approval of these proposed

changes will have significant detrimen-

tal consequences. Among the many

negative impacts could be reckless,

unnecessary, and prolonged litigation

causing proxy advisors to shirk from

delivering their most candid assess-

ments—the exact product that inves-

tors pay for and expect from advisors.

Increased costs will be borne by proxy

advisors’ shareholder clients and their

beneficiaries—the very people the SEC

is duty-bound to protect.

The SEC’s proposed ruleswould

invite public companies to sue proxy

advisors and create a chilling effect on

independent perspective. The proposed

rules would require proxy advisors to

give public companies two advanced

drafts of proxy advisors’ reports before

investors get access to the advice for

which they paid.

Paving the way for securities litiga-

tion in the context of proxy advice is a

troubling idea. Giving companies a

preview of proxy advisors’ recommen-

dations and the ability to interfere with

that advice before their paying custom-

ers get that information makes that bad

idea much worse.

Likewise, investors deserve to re-

ceive clear, unbiased advice. It is just as

much in the interest of shareholders as

it is in the interest of advisors to firmly

oppose the proposed rules. There is

widespread opposition to this proposal

from these investors, who are the ac-

tual clients of the advisory firms.

The claim that proxy advice is rife

with errors is based on flimsy evidence.

Analysis by the Council of Institutional

Investors indicates that errors in proxy

advice are extremely rare, estimated at

less than 1%.

Holding corporate managers ac-

countable through corporate democ-

racy in the age of Big Tech, climate di-

sasters, and political polarization is a

challenge in and of itself. Obstructing

proxy advisors by increasing litigation

costs and allowing corporate interfer-

ence with shareholders’ research will

make it nearly impossible for investors

to engage with companies responsible

in part for some of the most complex

issues of our time. The SEC should

facilitate, rather than hinder, market-

based accountability mechanisms.B

The writers are the state treasurers of

Illinois (Michael Frerichs), Pennsylvania (Joe

Torsella), Rhode Island (Seth Magaziner),

and Connecticut (Shawn Wooden).

By Michael Frerichs, Seth Magaziner,

Joe Torsella, and Shawn Wooden




behest of


not vice

versa. ”

The authors Dan Page


Four officials fear “an unnecessary, unprecedented,

and destructive intrusion on the relationship between

investors and their advisors.”

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