Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

M4 BARRON’S March9,2020



Turnaround Emerges


urope’s largest retailer,Carre-

four,has been hit hard by com-

petition fromAmazon.comand

other online rivals. Shares in the

grocer, which also sells clothes and elec-

tronics through its hypermarkets, fell from

83.70 euros ($93) in 2000 to €14.55, recov-

ering slightly to €16.78, as consumer shop-

ping habits shift from expensive-to-run

shops to the internet.

But the French-listed supermarket

group launched a turnaround plan in

2018, and its cost-cutting (€1 billion of

savings in 2019) and online investments

are beginning to show the potential to

boost earnings and shares.

In a February note, Goldman Sachs

deemed Carrefour (ticker: CA.France) a

Buy, saying it could rise 26.9% to a target

price of €20 due to higher profitability in

its key French market and higher growth

in Brazil. Goldman analyst Rob Joyce

wrote, “Across a range of metrics, Carre-

four looks very cheap on our estimates at

the current price.”

Broker Bryan Garnier set a target price

even higher, at €21.

Carrefour, which has a market value of

€13.2 billion, fetched 11.7 times this year’s

expected earnings, a price/earnings ratio

in line with its peers. In February, it

posted sales growth of 3.1% for the fourth

quarter from the same number of stores as

the previous year and posted 12-months

results for the year ending in December

2019 of €2 billion recurring operating

profit on total revenue of €74 billion.

Carrefour was started in 1959 by three

families, the Fourniers, Badins, and Def-

foreys, who ran a discount supermarket in

Annecy, a lakeside town in southeast

France. It pioneered the hypermarket con-

cept, selling food and items typically found

in department stores.

By 1970, it floated on the Paris stock

market and spent the next 30 years ex-

panding into Spain, Brazil, China, Mexico,

Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, and

Poland, while also growing through


Carrefour now has 12,300 stores in

more than 30 countries. Like many other

retailers founded before the internet,

Carrefour, with its network of large stores,

has been going through a tough time.

Shopping habits have changed. Con-

sumers are spending less time in malls

and on Main Street, preferring to buy on-

line. Pre-internet retailers are facing fierce

competition from online rivals unbur-

dened by physical stores with costly rent,

rates, staff, and heating costs.

To address this, CEO Alexandre Bom-

pard has been reducing the firm’s reliance

on nonfood items—it’s a key plank of the

turnaround plan. Boosting growth in the

important French market and nursing

hypermarkets back to health are also


Bompard toldBarron’sthat “the Carre-

four 2022 plan is generating solid results

and sets the group on a profitable growth

trajectory. We...raise or confirm all the

Carrefour 2022 targets.”

The initiatives appear to be improving

financial results. Operating margins ex-

panded by at least about a third of a per-

centage point over the second half of 2019,

which has not been seen, for a comparable

period, in five years.

“This has been driven by a combination

of cost-cutting initiatives (head-count re-

duction, space, and range rationalization),”

Goldman’s Joyce wrote. Strategic changes,

such as less reliance on price promotions,

and driving customers toward higher-

margin private-label products have also

helped. Strong performance in Brazil and

Argentina has boosted performance, too.

However, the wheels could come off the

shopping cart in the short term on fallout

from the coronavirus, or a recurrence of

last year’s public-transport strikes. But

Bompart’s program of cost-cutting and

online investment could see investors

checking out with bigger gains.B

By Rupert Steiner Capital. Example: jeans-makerMavi

(MAVI.Turkey), whose shares are up by a

quarter over the past year despite a recent


The bond yields do look tempting,

though, if the Turkish lira can avoid rapid

devaluation—and there are signs that it

can for a while. Many foreign investors

fled Turkey after its August 2018 collapse.

That makes currency markets easier to

control via local banks that will sell dol-

lars to shore up the lira at the govern-

ment’s behest.

“State-owned banks executing policy

goals are in the driver’s seat,” says Cristian

Maggio, head of emerging markets strat-

egy at TD Securities.

Turkey’s resilient economy is also pick-

ing up steam, or was pre-coronavirus.

Economists expect growth around 3% this

year, from zero in 2019. What Covid-19

takes in tourist dollars it may give back

through cheaper oil imports.

The question is how long investors can

enjoy 11%-plus interest before the next

major disruption. Erdogan did not stay on

the economic wagon long after the last


He has bullied the central bank into

cutting interest rates below inflation and

commercial banks into a new mortgage-

lending frenzy—neither healthy indica-

tors over a longer term. “It’s unfortunate

that the government didn’t learn the les-

sons of 2018,” says Shamaila Khan, direc-

tor of emerging market debt at Alliance-


Three investors are playing with Turk-

ish fire three different ways. TD’s Maggio

has exited the country. Bernstein’s Khan is

buying corporate debt of exporters that

are “long dollar” while avoiding the sover-

eign. PineBridge’s Faergemann is “tacti-

cally overweight” on the broader market,

strategically wary.

With returns from steadier bonds

dwindling to nothing, Turkish debt may

be hard to resist. But have an exit



Turkey Looks Tempting—

Just Have an Exit Plan


t’s a challenging time for Turkey’s

President Recep Erdogan. In the East,

the veteran strongman is fighting

Syrian/Russian forces to keep mil-

lions of refugees out of Turkey. In the

West, he’s trying to disgorge some of the

millions of refugees he already hosts onto

a reluctant (to say the least) European


Domestically, he has restored economic

growth after a punishing recession, but

revived the inflation and current account

deficits that caused the downturn in the

first place.

Yet investors could be paid handsomely

for entering this risky morass. Ten-year

sovereign local-currency bond yields have

jumped nearly two percentage points over

the past month to 11.3%. Stocks have fallen

13% over six weeks. That looks like a good

trade to some managers, for the moment.

“We’re seeing Turkey as an opportunity

at this stage,” says Anders Faergemann, a

senior emerging markets portfolio man-

ager at fixed-income specialist PineBridge

Investments. “The long-term outlook is

weak, but we see sufficient momentum

over the next 12 months.”

There are volatile emerging markets,

and then there’s Turkey. No one would

rely on Turkish securities for their

retirement. TheiShares MSCI Turkey

exchange-traded fund (ticker: TUR) has

lost almost 50% over the past five years.

But intervals of government sobriety

have yielded some spectacular runs up-

ward. Stocks climbed 45% from last May

to this January, and bond yields plunged

by 10 percentage points.

Few are expecting another equities

surge with the global growth outlook dim-

ming and Turkey’s vital tourism trade

threatened by the coronavirus.

“We stopped trying to call the market,

and stick to a few companies that are

world class,” says Jacob Grapengiesser, a

partner at emerging markets investor East

By Craig Mellow

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