TOPLACEANADCALL: 1- 866 -999-9237EMAIL:[email protected]
January6, 1947 -
February20, 2020
We are heartbroken to announce
Rob’s death on February 20,
2020, after a brief, intense battle
with melanoma. He died
peacefully in the Sunnybrook ICU
surrounded by his loving family,
made comfortable by the caring
and compassionate hospital staff.
Rob was Husband to Pinky, the
love of his life, for 46 years. He
was Dad to daughters Signy and
Ali (Michael), and son Tad (David).
He was Grandpa to his favourite
little’urchins’Finna and Ruby.He
was also the legendary and
adored Uncle Rob to nieces,
nephews and cousins, and
belovedBrother-in-lawto Pinky’s
siblings. Predeceased by his
parents,Cecil and PeggyFranklin,
and sister Sandra.
Rob was born in Rouyn-Noranda,
QC, and grew up in Toronto. He
went to college in Hillsdale,
Michigan, where he made lifelong
friends. He returned to Toronto,
joining his father in business, and
going on to a successful and
wide-ranging career that took him
around the world. Rob loved the
deal-making and excitement of
the business world. He started at
Algonquin Mercantile, then went
on to become chairman of Placer
Dome, and later sit on the board
of Barrick Gold. He also spent 30
years at Toromont, and was a
founder and chairmanof
ClubLink, and wasa director on
many others. As an early investor
in the Broadway hit Hamilton,
Rob was thrilled to be "in the
room where it happened." Rob
was respected and admired
throughout his career, known for
his honesty and integrity. He
strongly believed in giving back
to the community, and was a
proud board member and
contributor to Pathways to
Education, and other
He was a gifted athlete, excelling
at skiing, tennis, sailing,
windsurfing, hockey, and football.
He loved golf, though it didn’t
always love him back. Rob had an
incredible sense of humour,
lighting up whatever room he
walked into, and always ready
with a great story. He was a
mentor and advisor to many, a
natural leader, and a man who
fully lived his values and
principles, building an amazing
network throughout his life.
Rob’s life centred on family. He
was happiest when we were all
together,either up at the cottage
on Balsam Lake, keeping busy
with his never-ending "projects,"
or at the ski chalet in
Collingwood, where he was a
central fixture, and past President,
of the Osler Bluff Ski Club, loved
by staff and members alike.
Wherever he was, Rob loved
being surrounded by family, kids
and dogs, and evenings would
inevitably end with him asleep in
his favourite chair beside a
roaring fire, with the sounds of
his family around him.
The family will receive friends at
the Humphrey Funeral Home
A.W. Miles - Newbigging Chapel,
1403 Bayview Avenue (south of
Davisville Avenue) on Monday,
February 24th from 7:00 - 9:00
p.m, and Tuesday, February 25th
from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 -
9:00 p.m. A Celebration of Life
will be held on Wednesday,
February 26th from 12:00 - 2:00
p.m. Remarks at 1:00 p.m. Please
note that jacket and tie are
required. In lieu of flowers,
donations to charity of choice are
requested. Condolences may
be forwarded through
DouglasEdwinHarrison, 8 2, of
Phoenix,Arizona, passedaway
peacefullyonFebruary3, 2020.
He was predeceased by his
parentsJoseph andPearlHarrison
andhisbrother DonaldHarrison.
Heis survived byAnthea(née
Lawrence), hisloving wifeof 57
years, his sonAndrew (Sheri),
daughter Karen (David)and
Doug wasborn onJune20, 1937
in Toronto, Canada. During his
childhood,hespentmany summers
helping on his grandparent’s
farm.Hewas also very involved
in the Boy Scouts program
whereheachievedhis Queen’s
ScoutAward. Hisentrepreneurial
instincts began to develop
whenhestart edhispaper route.
than 250 newspapersdaily with
thehelp of otherkidshe“hired”.
Doug was a graduateofLeaside
High Schoolandthen studiedat
DougmetAnthea while both of
themwere members of thechoir
at Forest GroveUnitedChurch
in Bayview Village, Toronto.
Theyweremarriedin thechurch
in 19 62.
His first REALjobwas asmanager
of a BeneficialFinanceoffice.
However, a position withAvis
Rent-a-Car in Toronto caught
instrumental in implementing
changes that werelateradopted
nation-wide.Next camea chance
tomoveto Tulsa, Oklahoma
to workfor Thrifty Car Rental.
Soon an opportunity to havehis
own franchiseinVancouver, BC
a coupleof yearsbackin Canada.
Later, hewasenticedto return to
theThrifty headofficein Tulsa.
of thecompany. During thisera,
Doug introducednon-smoking
cars.Ahighlightof his career
was in 19 75 whenhe,along with
21 otherexecutives, was invited
to theWhiteHousetomeet
with President Ford.Asabusy
executivein thetravelindustry,
Doug andAntheahadmany
opportunities to travel andthey
inauguratedmany new cruise
ships overtheyears.
Afte r30 successfulyears with
Thrifty, Dougjoineda travel
consortiumbasedin Dallas, Texas
to grow their travelsales. Before
moving toArizona, Doug and
Antheaspent several delightful
years in Kansas City whereDoug
was an independent consultant.
But adesiretobeclosertoson
Andrewand his family drew
Doug was a very positive, hard-
working individual.Henevermet
a challengehecouldn’t conquer!
Many thankstoNeighboursWho
Carewho providedwonderful
homecarefor Doug andsupport
Acelebration oflifewas heldon
February 22, 2020 at SunLakes
UnitedMethod istChurch in the
Phoenix area.
Donations in Doug’smemory
may be made to Neighbors
Who Care, 1 0450 E. Riggs Road,
SunLakes,AZUSA8 5248.
It is with heavy heartsweannounce
theloss ofWilliamBartholomew
(Bert) Healy.Alifelived with
love,Bert passed away peacefully
at home, surroundedbyfamily
on Thursday,February 20, 2020.
Belovedhusbandto his wifeof
fifty years Helen;father of Mark
(Natalie), Clare (Brand on) and
Jane(Jon);andPapa to Finn, Ben,
Cain,Jonny, PenelopeandRiver.
Thelifeof theparty, hewasborn
December3rd, 19 43 in Cork,Ireland,
andimmigratedto Canadain 19 70.
Bertiewill berememberedfor his
gentlesoul,senseof humour and
loveof singing.
Aserviceto celebratehislife
willtakeplaceat 10 : 30 a.m.on
Tuesday, February 25th, at St.
AnselmParish, 1 MacNaughton
Road, Toronto, ON, M4G 3H3.In
lieuofflowers, pleaseconsider
adonation to theTemmyLatner
Centrefor PalliativeCareat Mount
Sinai Hospital.
your ahert,tocomealiveto the
Walter Hoodtookhislast flight
peacefullyunderthefull moon
andthefirst snow ofJanuary 2020
inVictoria, BC.
Hewasborn in Scotlandin 19 22,
lived briefly in Spain andMexico,
andimmigratedto Canadawhen
Walter was theeldest son ofJanet
(‘Nettie’) Henderson andWm.
CraigieHood,predec beased y
them, threesiblings:sisters,Jean,
Robin, andBill;andby hisloving
wife,Lorna (néeAlexander).
Walterservedinboth theRCAF
andtheRAF CoastalCommand
fromOctober 19 40 toNovember
19 44.
He received his wings as
Sergeant Pilot, was awardedhis
OperationalWings inrecognition
of gallant service,and was
honouredwith theRussian Red
Star for his outstanding workas a
Flight Sergeant.
Afterthewar heattendedMcGill
University andgraduatedwith a
Bachelor of Engineering.
Hemarriedhis ‘sweetheart’Lorna,
andraisedfour girls;Barbara (m.
John), Rosemary, Robin (m.John,
deceased), andBeverly.
Grandfatherto:Amy, Erik,Owen,
Alice,Alex,Andrew, Stephenand
NicolaandGreat- Grandfatherto:
Ewan,Nathan, Sonya, Roslyn, Eli
Walterlived lifeto thefullest.
His passions inlifewerehis wife
Lorna, flying, andfishing.
In his honour pleaseplant a tree
or protect thesalmon.
A celebration of life will
be held at Belmont Lake
in Summer 2020. Contact
[email protected].
April 24, 1 923
February17, 2020
Afteravery rich, full life, Gord
passedaway peacefullyatLisaard
Hospicein Cambridge.
Predeceased by hisbelovedwife
Lorna (April1,20 1 5). Heleaves
an amazinglegacy of hardwork,
laughter, travels, creativity,love
of thecottageandsailing,lifelong
volunteering, andjokes?!?
Preservinghis wonderfulspirit
are son Richard (Karen), and
three grandchildren: Shelley
(Darcy), Greg(Melissa) with great-
granddaughters HaileyandShayla,
andMike(Jenn), allof Calgary.
Hewill befondlymissed by his
ofWaterloo andtheextended
Wakel ingfamily (includingfive
Thomson andfamily.
donations to Lisaard Hospice
maybearrangedthrough theErb
& GoodFamily FuneralHome,
Waterloobycalling 5 19 -745- 8445
Passedaway peacefully in Toronto,
on February 6, 2020. Predeceased
MacKenzie. Also predeceased
byher brothers, Christopher
andMichael,andbyher sister,
Barbara. Beloved motherof
Louise(RandyGilchrist) andPaul
(LoriLoeb). Dear grandmotherof
A ndrewandAlison Gilchrist.Aunt
of Hugh, Clare,Alison andDaniel.
Pamela wasborn to Frankand
Nancy RichardsinEngland in
1928 .Shewaseducatedat the
ParkSchoolfor Girlsandthe
Universityof Glasgow.In 1959 she
married WilliamMacKenzie. Her
lifetookan unexpectedturn in
1972 whenWilliewas transferred
to Canada with theCanadaLife
AssuranceCompany.In Toronto,
Pamela was thelibrarian at the
Toronto Botanical Garden’s
library for 23 years. Shesang in
theMendelssohn Choir formany
years andshewas artisticdirector
of theWomen’s MusicalClubof
Toronto foreight years. Shewas
also an active memberofthe
Heliconian ClubandtheWomen’s
UniversityClub.Pamela was a
keen gardeneranda passionate
aficionadoandpatron ofballet,
opera, andclassicalmusic.
Thefamilywould liketo thankall
her caregivers who helpedherin
thelast years of herlife. Funeral
at St. Clement’sAnglican Church,
70 St. ClementsAvenue, Toronto
onFebruary 2 8 th at 2:00 p.m.,
reception to follow. Entombment
at Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
Donations to theAlzheimer’s Society
of Canada, theCNIBFoundation or
theMS Society of Canada.
January14, 1936
February 16, 2020
With greatsadnessweannounce
Ivan’s death, after a short
illness,in his 8 5th year.Ivanwas
predeceasedby his parents,Ernest
andAliceMcFarlaneof Kingston,
Jamaica, his wife, Harriet Szonyi
McFarlane,andbrothers, Eric,
Llewellyn andRoy. Heisloved
by sister, Gloria Flemming;
step-sons, MichaelSzonyi and
Eric Szonyi;daughters-in-law,
Francine McKenzie and Ruth
Noah, Robert, Asher, Katie
HecamefromJamaica to Toronto
in 1961 to attendTrinity College.He
was adashingbachelor untilhe
mettheloveof hislife, Harriet. He
thrivedas a husband,step-father
andgrand athf er.Ivan’skindheart
himdear friends throughout his
life.Hewas passionateabout
his church (St. Michaeland All
Angels), cricket, reading andbook
clubs, choralsinging, Scrabble,
the crosswords, and single
malt whisky.
Education was at the heart
hisdegreesislong:hewas a
graduateof Kingston College,
Jamaica;Trinity Collegeat the
University of Toronto (BA, 19 64);
CarletonUniversity (MA, 1969 );
YorkUniversity (MEnv, 19 72);OISE
(MA, 198 2);University of Toronto
Law School(MSL, 2007);OISE/
Universityof Toronto (PhD, 199 5).
Hehadalong careerintheSocial
ScienceDepartment of Centennial
College. Upon retirement, he
continuedtodedicatehis time
andskills to various voluntary
organizations. He served as
President andCouncilMemberof
both theCollegeof Psychologists
andtheCollegeof Denturists
of Ontario
Ivan wasespeciallydevotedto
two institutions, Trinity College
andMasseyCollege.At Trinity
heservedon theSenateandthe
Boardof Trustees.At Massey
hewas a foundingmemberof
the Quadrangle Society, and
became aSenior Fellow in
2011. Moreimportant than his
hours hespentmentoring and
supporting undergraduate and
graduatestudents.His homewith
HarrietonSt.ClairAve. was a
secondhometomany students.
Hewas abelovedfixturein
both communities
Aservice and celebration of
Ivan’slifewill beheldin the
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