Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

45 Post the utility bills

You’ve been through your muffin training session (number 16)
and made sure your staff know exactly how tough it is to make
money, but sadly most employees have short memories and when
it’s not their money who can blame them. Ensuring they keep the
“it’s about the money”mantra in their minds is an ongoing

One of the most valuable ways to do this is to post up your utility
bills somewhere obvious that they will all see them, a notice board
for example. Let them see just how much money is going out on a
daily basis. Post up a few monthly statements and take a few
moments to show everybody just how large your meat/veg/ bakery
bill is. Put up your weekly or monthly wage totals (not individually
broken down obviously) and let them see this too.

It doesn’t need to be
relentless, but it’s a useful
way of keeping the control
of costs at the forefront of
their minds.

Wake up to not having all
the answers...
“Leadership and learning are
indispensable to each other.”
John F. Kennedy

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