Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

8. There are three ways and

only three ways to grow

your business

An American marketing guru by the name of Jay Abraham
popularised this concept and it’s a great way to view your business.
Hopefully it will be a proper “light bulb” momentfor you, just as it
was for us. Abraham says that you can only grow your business
three ways:

1.By increasing the number of customers you have.
2.By increasing the number of times those customers visit you or
give you money in any form.
3.By increasing the amount of money those customers give you.

The great thing about this concept is the way it dramatically
increases your profits if you can systematically concentrate on all
three. Increase the number of customers you have by 10% and
your sales will rise by 10%. Increase all three by 10% and the way
the maths works your overall sales will increase by 33%. Increase all
three by 100% and your overall sales will rise by 800%.

Don’t worry about the maths – just accept that it is true then sit
down and take all three parts of your business and systematically
work on them. Getting new customers is actually the hardest and
most expensive thing to do, so concentrate on the other two first
and then generate a little extra revenue which can be put towards
getting new customers.

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