100 Frames per second If you think of a game as a series of animation cells – still images representing single moments in time – ...
PC Graphics Options Explained HARDWARE Becauseitdeterminesthenumberof pixelsyourGPUneedstorender, resolutionhasthegreatesteffect ...
I f you draw a diagonal line with square pixels, their hard edges create a jagged ‘staircase’ effect. This ugliness (among other ...
NoAA MLAA PERFORMANCE I used Batman: Arkham City’s benchmarking tool to test a few older anti-aliasing methods: MSAA, FXAA, and ...
Bilinear and trilinear filtering Texture filtering deals with how a texture – a 2D image (and other data) – is displayed on a 3D ...
PC Graphics Options Explained HARDWARE Trilinearfilteringhelps,buttheground still looks all blurry. This is why we use anisotrop ...
Quality settings What quality settings actually do will vary between games. In general, they raise and lower the complexity of g ...
CONCluSION Howthesesettingsaffectvisualqualitywillvaryfromgametogame,andhow theyaffectperformancewillvaryfromsystemtosystem.Thes ...
Budgetbuild PCgamingis foreveryone.Pickthepartsyouwantto builda new,well-roundedPCfora goodprice. Mid-rangebuild Youwanttoruneve ...
TOTAL £1,035 Corei3-8100 Intel £114 A great processor for out-of-the-box gaming performance. Opt for the AMD Ryzen 1300X if you’ ...
TOTAL £1,597 MID-RANGE BUILD Ourrecommended build for playing the latest games VengeanceLPX16GB (2x8GB) @2666 Corsair £89 16GB i ...
Strix X470-FGaming Asus £185 Get the mostfromthenewAMDRyzen 2700X with thismatchingX470 motherboardthat’spackedwithfeatures. Ryz ...
G od,I’msickofreal-life politics.Rightnowit allfeelssohigh-stakes andimportantthatI can’tbringmyselfto lookawayfromrollingnews c ...
W hatamI doinghere? It’scold.It’slonely. It’sboring.Ambient noiseoffersthe suggestionoflife, butit mayaswellbeanillusion. Therei ...
T here are games that turn the people around me all gooey with warm nostalgia. Jet Set Radio is one of them. Playing it, I immed ...
T hefirsttimeI became awareoftheconcept ofgrindinginRPGs waswhenI played FinalFantasyVII. I’d reachedtheTempleoftheAncients and ...
W ell, of course. Battlefield, one of the biggest shooters in the world, was never going to let the battle royale craze pass it ...
The snowy island where Firestorm takes place. My preferred tactic in action – hiding. The firestorm itself is an intimidating si ...
PART IV DishonoreD 2: The JuDge of Karnaca The Judge returns to Dunwall, and makes his final ruling. By Rick Lane DIARY ...
W e’re approaching the endgame now. Two targets remain, Duke Luca Abele of Serkonos, and the Usurper herself, Delilah Copperspoo ...
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