Publishers Weekly - 09.03.2020

(Wang) #1


70 BOOKLIFE, MARCH 9, 2020


hat began as a reading series based in
Manhattan has evolved into an indie press
that aims to publish enjoyable and risk-
taking literary fiction and nonfiction. BookLife
recently spoke with Brian Birnbaum, cofounder and
executive editor of Dead Rabbits Books and author
of the press’s forthcoming Emerald City.

Can you tell me about the reading series and how
you first decided to launch the press?
The reading series came almost purely out of a
desire to bring live readings out of Brooklyn and
into venues closer to Harlem. After receiving our
MFAs at Sarah Lawrence College, I lived with Devin
Kelly and Katie Rainey in an apartment in upper
Harlem. Our calendars were overflowing with
scheduled readings in Brooklyn—readings that would
last about as long as our round trips to Brooklyn
and back. Furthermore, a cultural epicenter such
as Harlem deserves its representative due.
The decision to launch the press actually came after
I struggled to find a home for my own first novel
Emerald City. Dead Rabbits Books pulls from the best

of all types of presses and literary imprints. Like
other independent presses, we’re able to focus on
quality work that takes risks that bigger presses
won’t normally take while imbuing our authors and
their books with resources that smaller independent
presses won’t normally possess. Our titles represent
the vanguard of literary fiction and nonfiction, while
the strategic and business side of our press offers
such works the tools to succeed, regardless of who
wrote the books or why they were written—tools that
are rarely found among other presses, small or large.

Could you talk about the intersection of reading,
writing, and community, and how you help bring
writers out of isolation?
Our sense of community and its importance dates
back to our founding. We were born from a desire to
bring literary people together in a community whose
literaries didn’t have many spaces in which to meet,
let alone thrive.

What do you want new authors who feel discouraged
about getting their work published to know about
Dead Rabbits?
I’ve been through the gauntlet of the publishing
process. Probably the most difficult period was
also one of the most hopeful. In the summer of
2016, I began working with an agent at Writers
House. After several months of working on revisions
for the novel, my agent left the industry altogether.
I was back at square one, querying other agents




Dead Rabbits Books

makes a leap from

reading series to

indie press

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