Academic Writing for International Students of Business

(Frankie) #1

2 Introduction structure

Essential: Background/A review of some literature/Your purpose/Your method/Outline
Optional: Definitions/Limitations

3 Opening sentences

Model answers:

(a) In recent years, there has been steady criticism of the lack of women in senior management.
(b) The spectacular growth in international tourism in the last 40 years has been caused by
several significant ‘pull’ factors.
(c) In the last 20 years, most Western economies have seen a steady decrease in inflation rates.
(d) Monopoly industries were a feature of the command economies of the communist bloc
countries such as Czechoslovakia before 1990.

4 Practice A

Example introduction:

State control can be defined as meaning that industries are publicly financed, usually with
ultimate control exercised by government ministers. Over the last two decades, there has been
a global tendency to privatise many key industries that had formerly been in public ownership
such as electricity and gas supply, railways and iron and steel production. There is continuing
debate as to how far this process can continue; for example, some countries have privatised
railways while in others they remain under state control.

This paper aims to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of state control of industry. Using
examples from the UK and France between 1990 and 2010, a comparison will be made of
two key industries: electricity and railways. The first section will examine the benefits obtained
from public ownership, then the disadvantages will be analysed. The final section will attempt
to assess the limits of the privatisation process.

5 Conclusions

(a) Yes
(b) Yes
(c) No
(d) Yes
(e) Yes
(f) Yes
(g) Yes
(h) No
(i) f
(ii) b
(iii) e
(iv) d
(v) g
(vi) a

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