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Sometimes toilets contain Easter Eggs. I
know what you’re thinking. You wouldn’t
want an Easter Egg that you found in a
toilet, no matter how hungry you were. But
we’re talking about those other kinds of
Easter Eggs, the little referential surprises
that make life really worth living for geeks.
In Eidos’ futuristic 2011 action RPG, you
can visit a futuristic toilet – Adam Jensen
may be mostly robot, but even he needs
to pay a visit to the John. Next to the toilet
are three seashells, which is a reference
to the 1993 movie Demolition Man, in
which Sly Stallone wakes up in the future
after being cryogenically frozen, goes to
the bog and finds there’s no toilet paper,
only seashells, and is roundly laughed at
for not knowing how to wipe his bum.

Fortnite’s island is full of houses, and toilets. Nothing beats
cowering in a bathroom in Battle Royale, then blasting the
other player in the face with a combat shotgun when they
open the door and are too busy wondering who left the
seat up to check the corners. But this entry into Toiletopia
is courtesy of Save The World, which has a big crafting
element and really pays you to search every sofa, chest and
bathroom fixture. Referencing a well-known bathroom-sign
meme, what do you find when you search the toilet? Bacon.
Yes, bacon. Think about that too much and you will be sick.

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