the fourth square to complete the first
row. Then press all seams open.^4
Step 3 Continue in the same manner
for the remaining five rows, then sew
the rows together. Pin the first and
second rows together, matching
seams and raw edges. Stitch the entire
length of the row taking a ¼in (5mm)
seam allowance and then press the
seams open. Repeat to join the
remaining rows.^5
Step 4 Trim ¼in (5mm) from the tip of
each triangle flap piece where the
long and diagonal edges meet.^6
Step 5 Pin the longest edge of one
triangle flap piece (the diagonal
edge of the right-angle triangle) to
one of the long edges of your
patchwork piece (across the lower
three rows with the trimmed point at
the top), right sides together, with the
bottom of the triangle aligned with the
corner and the tip of the triangle
towards the centre of the patchwork
Patchwork Made Easy
The beauty of this
tent is it’s light and
portable so you can set
it up anywhere.
large rectangle along the long edges,
as described in the step above.
the tent set-up diagrams opposite, pin
three loops along one short edge of
the rectangle: one in the centre and
one on each triangle flap seam. Tack
in place. Repeat with three more loops
along the other short edge. Pin the
remaining loops centred between the
triangle flap pieces on both long sides
of the rectangle and tack in place.^9
Step 10 Take the four long lengths of
twill tape and tack one end to the
centre of the long raw edge of each
four triangle flap pieces. These will be
the tent flap ties.^10
Step 11 Next, lay out the reverse side of
the tent (the bed sheet) with the right
side facing up. Then place the
patchwork side of the tent on top so
that the right sides are together.
Carefully match all the raw edges and
9 10 11
piece, as shown. Pin in place along
the outer edge.^7
Step 6 R e p e a t to p o s i t i o n a s e c o n d
triangle flap piece across the upper
three rows along the same edge, with
the trimmed point opposite that of the
lower flap and the top of the triangle
aligned with the top corner. Pin in
place along the outer edge.
Step 7 Stitch along the pinned edge,
using a^3 / 8 i n (1c m) s e a m a l l owa n c e.
Press the seam. Repeat for the two
triangle flap pieces on the opposite
long edge of the patchwork piece.^8
Step 8 Sew the reverse side triangle
f l a p p i e c e s to t h e reve r s e s i d e o f t h e
52 Beginner’s Guide to Quilting