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ALL WELL AND GOODAs the realms of beauty and wellnesscontinue to converge, product choices nowspeak of a person’s lifestyle as much astheir beauty preferences. This mightexplain why Feelunique has seen a46 per cent spike in on-site searches forvegan and wellness brands, and why thiscategory has become part of a dedicatedfocus to offer an assorted andcomprehensive variety of products. “Weare breaking through into our core beautycategories, introducing new indie organicbrands and will soon launch innovativeways of merchandising the many complextopics in this sector,” says Joel Palix. “Thistrend will keep growing as youngerconsumers continue to be concerned aboutsustainability and ethics in beauty.”Vegan brands such as Hourglass, Make,Sanoflore and Cover FX are speaking toa customer that is more socially andecologically conscious. Demanding morefrom their products than ever before,people are wanting their beauty picks toperform brilliantly, but not at the expenseof the environment or of dietary choices.Pinterest, too, has seen a surge in savesfor vegan skincare, with an increase of 281per cent since last year. Beauty with aconscience is motivating Pinners with theideas they are drawn to, as well as thechoices they are then making as next steps.Choosing inspiration that also delivers amessage speaks of a more informed andactive zeitgeist. After all, why shouldn’t yourbeauty preferences be as specific as yourindividual lifestyle needs?``````Whether it’s adiverse range ofproducts fromFeelunique, theretail destinationfor the discerningbeauty buyer,or Pinterest’svisual-discoverytechnology thatboth inspiresand acts as avirtual shoppinglist, both platformsembody anever-evolving,limitless beautypanorama``````)URPOHIW&RYHU);,OOXPLQDWLQJ6SUD\ 6DQRIORUH$TXD0DJQLILFD%RWDQLFDO6NLQ3HUIHFWLQJ(VVHQFH 0DNH0RRQOLJKW0RLVWXULVLQJ3ULPHU +RXUJODVV$PELHQW/LJKWLQJ3DOHWWH DYDLODEOHDW)HHOXQLTXH

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