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VOGUE PARTNERSHIPPHOTOGRAPHY: OLIVER WILLIAMS. ART DIRECTION: MARIA J ARANDA. NAILS: VERONICA BUTENKO. HAND MODELS: CARLY FLORENTINE, JOLIE FEZABREAKINGBOUNDARIESOffering a continually evolving snapshot of thelatest beauty trends, Feelunique and Pinterestare changing the landscape of the industry – andtheir new Beauty Without Boundaries campaignis all about celebrating the individual``````&ORFNZLVHIURPWRSOHIW1DUV1DUVLVVLVW:DQWHG3RZHU3DFN/LS.LWLQ:DUP1XGHV+RW%ORRGHG*HW,W2Q*LRUJLR$UPDQL1HR1XGH)XVLRQ3RZGHULQ<YHV6DLQW/DXUHQW&RXWXUH3DOHWWH&ROOHFWRULQ8UEDQ(VFDSH 7RP)RUG8OWUD/HQJWK0DVFDUDLQ8OWUD5DY <YHV6DLQW/DXUHQW&RXWXUH1DLO3ROLVKLQ6WULS0H5RVH *XHUODLQ7HUUDFRWWD/LJKW3RZGHU%URQ]HU $OODYDLODEOHDW)HHOXQLTXH``````ONE FOR ALL Something for everyone – that is howwe expect to be able to shop for our make-up now. From a nude nailvarnish (recognising that nude means different shades for differentpeople), to a slick of lipstick or a sweep of bold eyeshadow, inclusivitywithin the beauty industry needs to feel authentic and aspirational.So when it comes to products, that means choice – and lots of it.Feelunique boasts a face make-up category of more than 900,000units, while lips swell at 600,000 units. “Improving our customers’shopping experience starts by offering a variety of products that breakdown the barriers of traditional beauty shopping,” says Joel Palix,CEO of Feelunique. “We champion the positive power of beautyand constantly look at changing customer behaviours, listen to reviewsand swiftly answer any requests for products or services.”Pinterest, used by 200 million people globally each month, is avisual-discovery engine full of possibilities thanks to its never-endingsupply of beauty looks and tutorials – meaning that it’s never beeneasier to feel inspired. “Because people use Pinterest to plan, it’s agreat place to spark ideas,” explains Larkin Brown, user experienceresearcher and in-house stylist at Pinterest. “But the real magiccomes from finding the idea adaptation that suits you. Pinterest isabout inclusive discovery, where you can be yourself while gatheringthe ideas and the confidence to try new things.” >

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