2019-07-01 Homebuilding & Renovating
homebuilding.co.uk 41 ...
42 homebuilding.co.uk LIFEstyLE Luckily, Richard had plenty of renovation experience to draw on. In just three years and three m ...
homebuilding.co.uk 43 rECLaIMINgItBaCKFroM NatUrE the castle had been left to rack and ruin, with ivy growing on external elevat ...
homebuilding.co.uk 45 INtErIorrE-FIt Withnorecordsto workfrom,richardand histeamhadtorely onexistingruinsand richard’s childhood ...
46 homebuilding.co.uk I got an architect to draw up every detail of an Irish box sash window as a scale drawing and gave it to t ...
Lines open Monday-Friday 8am-7pm and Saturday 10am-2pm (GMT) order hotline 0344 848 2852 Please quote hbrjul19 when ordering by ...
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50 homebuilding.co.uk Contemporary self-build WordsCarolineEdniePhotograPhyDavidBarbour ...
homebuilding.co.uk 51 Alan and Lucy Brown’s discovery of a gap site over- looking the Firth of Forth provided the perfect Eureka ...
52 homebuilding.co.uk A lan and Lucy Brown’s new self-built family home, just off the Fife coastal path with spectacular views o ...
homebuilding.co.uk 53 homeoWnersAlanandLucyBrown ProjeCtContemporaryself-build LoCatIonFifecoast,Edinburgh ConstruCtIonTimberfra ...
54 homebuilding.co.uk including the placement of some of the windows, and creating additional accommodation in the first floor k ...
56 homebuilding.co.uk thegLassPaneL the glass floor introduces light deep into thefloorplan.It wasdesignedand installedbystructu ...
homebuilding.co.uk 57 thehaLLWay the double-height hallway, with its large chandelier and vast amounts of glazing is a wow-facto ...
groundfLoorrooms the house features an upside-downlayout, withthebedroomson thegroundfloor.the children’sbedrooms arein ajackand ...
60 homebuilding.co.uk SElEctED coStS groundWorks £34,000 maIn buILdCosts,LandsCaPIng andInternaLfIt-out (InCLudIngtheWeegLasshou ...
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