48Trace the outlines onto the fondant using the flower andleaf shaping tool. Once traced, remove the parchmentpaper. You should see the imprinted design on thefondant. Do the same for the bottom tier.Steps 6a-d.Tint the fondant different tones of green and yellow.Extrude a variety of lengths of fondant in order to maketwirls for the fields. Work on the bottom tier first. Placea little edible glue in the area you want to cover andtwirl your string, making continuous elongated S shapes.Have large random twirls on the bottom tier and smallersausage shapes towards the bottom third of the top tierto give an impression of distance.Next, prepare your 6â in the same way as the 10â (witha collar and rod to trap it in place). Then stack yourcovered 6â cake (on its platform) on top of the 8â cake.Steps 7a-c.Tint some fondant to create different tones of blue/grey â these will make the hills. The darker the colour,the nearer the perspective of the hill is. So to have threedistances, you need to make large hills dark, the slightlysmaller and lighter hills behind the big ones and lastly,the hills in the distance really light.5d6a5c6b6c6d7b7a 7c