
(sharon) #1


t’s been a while since I
last played Elite
Dangerous, which
makes the moment
when I jump into a
random system and find a burning
starport pretty shocking. As I
approach, the flight controller
warns me that the station is in
danger. The advertising billboards
that normally guide pilots through
the ‘mail slot’ as they dock have
been replaced with flashing red
signs saying “EVACUATE”. And I
notice strange green splodges on
the exterior walls, suggesting that
the Thargoids – mysterious aliens
slowly making their presence felt in
Elite’s galaxy – are responsible.

Curiously, I still have the option to
dock. The flight controller cautions
me about high temperatures inside
the station as I fly closer to the
entrance, and I can see why. The
cavernous interior is glowing hot
with flames, and huge chunks of
debris are floating inside, making my
route to the landing pad extra tricky.
The temperature gauge in my cockpit
rises steadily as I touch down, and I
fire up the mission board. Thousands
of people are still stranded in the
station, and because I have some

passenger cabins in my Asp Explorer,
I decided to ferry them to safety.
A large Federation rescue ship is
waiting nearby, but first I have to
make it out of this station alive. As I
approach the mail slot my ship is
running at 200 per cent temp,
damaging my hull and internals. I
should probably bring some heat
sinks next time to reduce the stress
on my ship. But I make it out and I
drop the refugees off at the rescue
ship, earning some CR and Rep with
the Fed. I did this out of the goodness
of my heart, but payment is nice.
While the thrill of flying into the
flaming station and rescuing people is
way more exciting than the

“I’m not sure what’s happening and

my ship mysteriously powers down”

commodities trading I usually
indulge in, I eventually get bored, and
so I look at other ways I can help the
stricken starport. I notice that there’s
a huge demand for water, so I fly to a
nearby station, load up with about 80
tonnes of the life-saving liquid, and
sell it to them.

Later, when I’m back on my usual
trading runs in a nearby system, I’m
suddenly and violently yanked out of
hyperspace. I’m not sure what’s
happening and my ship mysteriously
powers down. Then I see them above
my canopy – three sinister, green-
tinged Thargoid ships, just hovering,
watching. My ship groans back to life
and I slam my thrusters, worried the
alien invaders will attack.
But they don’t. It seems they’re
just observing me. It makes me
wonder if I’ve made a powerful
enemy by helping those refugees. I
don’t know where this Thargoid
storyline is going, but the way
Frontier has subtly woven it into the
galaxy in Elite is very well done.
Accidentally stumbling into that
burning station was a genuinely
exciting (and eerie) moment, because
I had no idea this stuff had been put
into the game.

Saved a few dozen
refugees from a stricken
space station.

Heaven’s Vault

I rescued people from a burning space station in ELITE DANGEROUS, but should I have?




Why am I going in here again?

I’ve got a bad feeling
about this.
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