Encyclopedia of the Incas

(Bozica Vekic) #1
Kaulicke,   Peter,  ed. Max Uhle    y   el  Perú    Antiguo.    Lima:   Fondo   Editorial   Pontificia  Universidad Católica
del Perú, 1998.
Kaulicke, Peter, Manuela Fischer, Peter Masson, and Gregor Wolff, eds. Max Uhle (1856–1944).
Evaluaciones de sus Investigaciones y Obras. Lima: Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica
del Perú, 2010.
Protzen, Jean-Pierre, and David Harris, eds. “Explorations in the Pisco Valley: Max Uhle’s Reports to
Phoebe Hearst, August 1901 to January 1902.” Contributions of the University of California
Archaeological Research Faculty, 63. Berkeley: Archaeological Research Faculty, University of
California, 2005.
Rowe, John H. “Max Uhle, 1856–1944. A Memoir of the Father of Peruvian Archaeology.” University
of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 46, no. 1, 1954.
Shimada, Izumi. “Pachacamac Archaeology: Retrospect and Prospect.” In Max Uhle, Pachacamac: A
Reprint of the 1903 Edition. University Museum Monograph 62. Philadelphia: University Museum of
Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, 1991.
Uhle, Max. Pachacamac. Report of the William Pepper, M.D., LL.D., Peruvian Expedition of 1896.
Philadelphia: Department of Archaeology of the University of Pennsylvania, 1903.
———. Pachacamac: A reprint of the 1903 edition. University Museum Monograph 62. Philadelphia:
University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1991.
Valencia, Alfredo. Colección Arqueológica Cusco de Max Uhle. Cuzco: Instituto Nacional de Cultura,

While perhaps best interpreted as “sacred platforms for ritual performance,”
numerous definitions of the term ushnu can be found in the historical chronicles
and the archaeological literature. Although physical descriptions of ushnus can
be divided into two or three main categories, the multiplicity of interpretations
has created significant confusion regarding the definition of an ushnu.

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