homework encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

A page number in bold refers to the main entry for
that subject.

Abbasids 386
Aborigines 274, 281, 283, 320, 331, 363 , 425
Abu Simbel, Egypt 241
acid rain 65
acids 162, 206
acne 149
Adam’s apple 136
advertising 299
Afghanistan 262, 263, 317, 407
Africa 238–39, 422
central 242–43
east 242–43, 296, 395
medieval 394–95
north and west 240–41
southern 244–45
afterlife 282, 371, 378, 384
Agassiz, Louis 63
agnosticism 281
Agricultural Revolution 412
agrochemicals 207
AIDS 150, 151, 245
aircraft 154, 165, 176–77, 199, 200, 233, 308, 398
Alaska 222, 223, 224–25, 409
Albania 219, 247, 256 , 257
Alberti, Leon Battista 321
alchemy 411
Aldrin, Buzz 30
Alexander the Great 375, 377
algae 77, 85, 87
Algarve, Portugal 252
Algeria 238, 239, 240, 241, 334
Alhambra, Spain 387
Alice in Wonderland 340
alkalis 162, 206
allergies 151
alloys 160, 174 , 175
alphabet 369
Alps 84, 247, 254, 255
alveoli 137
Amaterasu 284
Amazon rainforest 94, 233, 235, 236
amber 259
America see Central America; North America;
South America; United States of America
American Civil War 424
American football 296, 352, 353, 354, 355
American Revolution 293, 414, 437
American Tail, An 349
amethysts 47
ammonites 76
amphibians 102, 114–15, 121
amphitheatres 376, 382
Amundsen-Scott base 276–77
ancestor-worship 283, 296, 364, 367, 395
Ancient Greece 292, 327, 375, 376–77
architecture 329 , 376–77
gods and goddesses 282, 310, 342, 350, 376
Olympic Games 356, 377
theatre 344, 345, 376
Ancient Rome 282, 320, 345, 382–83, 384, 385, 436
Andes Mountains 45, 232, 234
Andreessen, Marc 191
Andromeda Galaxy 10, 27
Angles and Saxons 384, 436
animals 96
behaviour 72, 97
cells 73
communication 100 , 101
conservation 125
domesticated 66, 365
endangered species 124 , 242, 245

feeding 98, 120
invertebrates 102 , 103–11
life cycles 71
migration 99, 119 , 224, 277
prehistoric 74–75, 77–79
reproduction 101 , 106, 115, 117, 121
senses 99 , 110
vertebrates 102 , 112–23
warm-blooded 96, 121
animation 349
annual plants 71
Antarctica 58, 84, 169, 214–15, 216, 276–77
antennae 110
anthropology 295, 361
antibiotics 151, 208
antibodies 134
ants 96, 100, 111, 295
Antz 349
aorta 134, 135, 146
apartheid 244, 245 , 305, 434
apes 72, 100, 120, 122, 242
Apollo project 10, 30
appendix 144
applied physics 163
arachnids 107, 108
Aral Sea 260, 263
archaeology 360, 361 , 363, 365, 367
Archaeopteryx 76
architecture 202, 248, 262, 328–29, 377, 387, 399
Arctic 84, 224, 225, 277
Ardmore, Ireland 388
Arecibo dish 22
Argentina 232, 233, 236, 237, 420
Ariane rockets 10, 235
Aristotle 292, 345, 377
Arjuna 293
armistice 427
Armstrong, Lance 354
Armstrong, Neil 30, 31
arrays 12
Art Deco 327, 329
art galleries 324
arteries 134 , 135, 146, 151
arthropods 107 , 108–11
artificial intelligence 194
artists 292, 297, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324
Ashes, The 354
Ashoka, King 379
central 262–63
eastern 268–69, 430
southeast 270–71, 314, 397
southern 266–67, 430
western 264–65
Assyrians 373
asteroids 23
astrolabes 11
astronauts 10, 30, 32, 33, 305
astronomy 11 , 381, 386
Atacama Desert 232
Atget, Eugène 325
atheism 281
Athens, Greece 257, 329, 376–77
athletics 356, 357
Atlantic Ocean 41, 45, 215
Earth 10, 29, 36, 49 , 52
moons 20
planets 18, 19, 20, 21
atom bombs 157, 433
atomic numbers 160, 161
atomic structure 157
Atomium, Brussels 174
atoms 157 , 159, 182
Audubon, John James 342
Australasia 272–73
Australia 59, 123, 150, 220, 272, 274–75, 283,
308, 425

Austria 246, 255, 421, 426, 430
axis 16
axles 196
Ayers Rock see Uluru
Aztecs 230, 282, 403 , 405

babies 129, 130, 148–49
Babylonians 372 , 373
Bach, Johann Sebastian 333
bacteria 77, 81, 85 , 145, 149, 151, 154
Baekeland, Leo 170
Baghdad, Iraq 386
Bakelite 170
balance 141
balances (measurement) 155, 164
ballet 258, 308, 336, 337
Baltic States 258, 259
bananas 211, 231
Banff, Canada 225
Bangkok, Thailand 260, 271
Bangladesh 51, 154, 261, 266, 267
bar mitzvah 287
barbarians 384
barnacles 109
basalt 46
baseball 227, 352, 353, 354
bases (chemical) 162
basketball 352, 353, 355
Bass, Saul 326
Batista, Fulgencia 435
bats 99, 121, 176
batteries 184
Battle of Hastings 389, 436
bears 98, 121
Beatles 334
beavers 122
bed bugs 110
bees 93, 100, 111
beetles 83, 101, 111
Beijing, China 393
Beirut, Lebanon 264
Belarus 247, 258, 259
Belgium 174, 246, 254, 255
Ben-Hur 347
Benesh Movement Notation 337
Benin 238, 241, 395
Beowulf 343
Berlin, Germany 255, 294, 328
Berners Lee, Tim 191
Betelgeuse 13
Bhagavad Gita 293
Bhagavat Puran 342
Bhutan 261, 266, 267, 300
Bible 280, 287, 288, 373, 385, 399
biennial plants 71
Big Bang 26 , 156, 169, 281
bile 146
binary code 177, 189, 190
biochemistry 162
biodiversity 80
biology 72–73
bioluminescence 113
biotechnology 208, 210–11
birds 79, 96, 98, 100, 102, 118–19, 124
Bismarck, Otto von 421
Black Death 391, 436
black holes 25
bladder 128, 147
bladder wrack 87
Blake, William 343
blitzkrieg 433
block and tackle 197
blood 134 , 137, 146, 147, 162, 173
blood vessels 133, 134 , 135, 136, 137, 146, 151

Bloody Sunday 428
Bluth, Don 349
Bogotá, Colombia 235
boiling 171
Bolívar, Simón 420
Bolivia 232–33, 235, 237, 420
Bollywood 346
bone marrow 131
bones 118, 129, 130, 131 , 149
Book of Hours 339
borders 216, 217, 244, 312 , 422
boreal forests 63
Borobudur, Indonesia 397
Bosnia and Herzegovina 247, 256, 257
Boston Tea Party 414
Botswana 150, 239, 244, 245
Bourbons 406
Boyle, Robert 411
Brahma 286
Brahman 286
brain 128, 129, 138–39, 140, 149
brainwaves 139
Brazil 218, 232–33, 236, 237, 400, 420
breathing 112, 115, 136–37, 142, 143
bridges 203, 308
British Isles 246, 250–51, 383, 384, 436–37
broadcasting 193, 298, 299 , 351, 437
bromeliads 82
bronchi 136, 137
bronze 174, 323, 367 , 374
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 418
Brunelleschi, Filippo 321
BT tower, London 192
Buddhism 271, 280, 281, 286, 289 , 379, 397
Bulgaria 247, 256, 257
bungee jumping 166
Burma see Myanmar
Burundi 239, 242, 299
Bush, George W 314
Bushmen 244
butterflies 101, 110, 111
Byzantine Empire 385

cable cars 228
cacti 74, 84
caecilians 114
Caesar, Julius 382, 436
Cafu 354
Cahokia Mounds, Missouri 380
Cairo, Egypt 240
Calcutta, India 267
calendars 11, 281, 372, 381, 416
caliphs 386
Callisto 19
Calories 166
Cambodia 150, 216, 261, 270, 271
cameras 325
Cameroon 239, 242, 243
camouflage 97, 111, 115, 117, 175
Canada 222–23, 225 , 388, 417
borders 216, 226, 227, 312
people 224 , 408 , 417
cancer 149, 151 , 167
capacitors 188
capillaries 134, 137
carbohydrates 145, 150
carbon 157, 161, 162, 174, 175
carbon cycle 81
carbon dioxide 136, 137
Caribbean 223, 230–31, 401, 413
Carnac, France 366
carnivores 98 , 120
engines 198–99

438 Index

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