homework encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

manufacture 204, 205, 237, 303, 314, 326
motor sports 352
Cartier, Jacques 417
cartilage 102, 130, 131, 136, 143
Cartwheel Galaxy 27
Caspian Sea 57, 247, 260, 261
Cassini spacecraft 29
caste systems 304
castles 255, 390 , 394
Castro, Fidel 312, 435
Çatal Hüyük 365
caterpillars 100, 101, 111
Catherine the Great 410
cats 99, 100
Cat’s Eye Nebula 24
cattle 66, 98, 125, 243, 365, 412
Cavaliers and Roundheads 406
caves 57 , 362, 379
celestial equator 13
celestial sphere 13
cell phones 192
cells 73 , 128 , 132, 133, 148, 149
Celsius scale 169
Celts 383
centipedes 77, 107
Central America 230–31, 381, 403, 405
Central Bank 309
centrifuges 173
cerebellum 139
cerebral cortex 138, 139
cerebrum 138, 139
Ceres 23
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) 49, 65
Chad 242
chamber tombs 366
chameleons 96, 116–17
Channel Tunnel 203
charities 301, 309
Charlemagne 385
Charles I 406, 437
Charles II 410, 437
Charon 21
Chartres Cathedral, France 385
cheese 208
cheetahs 96–97
chemical industry 187, 206–7
chemical reactions 145, 162 , 170, 171
chemicals 162
chemistry 161, 162 , 172–73, 411
Chernobyl disaster 61
chess 194, 350, 390
Chiang Kai-shek 429
Chicken Run 349
Chile 12, 232, 237, 420
chimpanzees 72, 100, 122
China 260–61, 268–69, 308, 314
culture 339, 345, 367, 369, 401
Hong Kong 202, 218, 219, 261, 268
Imperial China 378 , 393 , 410, 429
revolutionary China 429
chivalry 391
chlorine 160, 161
chloroplasts 73, 89
choreography 337
Christianity 280, 281, 288 , 390, 400, 436
Church of England 404, 437
Eastern Orthodox Church 246, 256, 385
Reformation 399 , 404
Christo 324
chromosomes 73 , 148
Chrysler Building, New York 329
Church of England 404, 437
Churchill, Winston 433
cilia 136, 143
cinema 298, 326, 346–47, 349, 351
circuit boards 174, 189
circuits 184–85, 188
circulation 134–35, 411
cities 60, 64, 65, 218, 219, 368, 418, 419
city-states 377
civil rights 307
civil society 301
civil wars 313, 437
Africa 243, 244

America 424
China 429
England 406, 437
Europe 256
Middle East 264
Russia 428
Spain 431
classification 71
clay 48
Cliff, Clarice 327
climate 62–63
Clinton, Bill 304
clocks 158
clones 211
clothing 31, 175, 297, 326, 336, 345
clouds 50, 52, 53
cnidarians 102, 103
coal 60, 418
coasts 59 , 62
Coca-Cola 299
cochlea 14 1
Cocker, Joe 330
Coke, Thomas William 412
Cold War 314, 435
Colombia 232, 234, 235, 420
colonial America 409
Colorado River, USA 55
Colosseum, Rome 382
colour 133, 140, 148, 163, 180 , 325
Columbus, Christopher 400, 401
Coma Cluster 27
comedy 345, 376
comets 22
communication 100 , 101, 192–93
communism 428 , 429, 435
communities (ecosystems) 80, 81
compasses 183, 400, 401
competitions 354–55
composition 333
compounds 172
computers 154, 180, 190–91, 326, 349
Conan Doyle, Arthur 341
concentration camps 433
concrete 171, 202
conduction 168
conductors 160, 184
Cone Nebula 29
Confucianism 280, 281, 285
Congo 239, 242, 243
conifers 91
Conquistadors 405
Conradie, Bolla 244
conservation 125
Constantine 385
Constantinople 385 , 388, 389, 397
constellations 13 , 24, 386
construction 202–3
consumers 303
continents 39 , 62
convection 168
Cook, James 425
Copenhagen, Denmark 248
copper 161, 174, 204, 232, 263
coral reefs 42, 80, 103 , 275
cordilleras 45
Cordoba, Spain 387
Coriolis Effect 51
cornea 140
Cortés, Hernán 282, 405
cosmonauts 10, 30, 31
cottage industries 204
cotton 413, 418
Council of Europe 246
courts 310, 311 , 317
cowboys 229, 236, 420
crabs 74, 109, 117
cranks 196
craters 17, 18, 23
Creation 281 , 287
Crete 247, 374
Crick, Francis 209
cricket 244, 352, 353, 354
crime 209, 310, 311
Crimea 247, 259, 437

Croatia 246, 256, 257, 312
crocodiles 116, 117
Cromwell, Oliver 406, 437
crops 66, 207, 210 , 235, 316, 364, 370
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 346
crucifixion 288
Crusades 389, 436
crustaceans 102, 107, 109
Crystal Palace, London 418
crystals 47
CT (computed tomography) scans 129 , 147
Cuba 231, 312, 435
Cuban Missile Crisis 435
culture 296–97, 314
cuneiform writing 369 , 372
Curie, Marie 167
Custer, General George 417
cycads 91
cycling 200, 201, 252, 354, 357
cyclones 54
cytoplasm 73
Czech Republic 246, 254, 255, 406

Daguerre, Louis 325
Damascus, Syria 264
dams 57, 61, 203 , 241
damselflies 89, 110
dance 237, 247, 270, 271, 322, 336–37
Daoism 281, 285
Darius the Great 375
dark matter 26
Darwin, Charles 74
dates (fruit) 240
day and night 37, 70
Day of the Dead 230, 296
De Coubertin, Baron 356
De la Salle, Robert 409
Dead Sea 40, 215, 265
Death Valley, California 169, 229
debt 315, 316
Declaration of Independence 293, 414
decolonization 434
decomposition 81, 171
decorative arts 327
deforestation 48, 55, 60, 67 , 154, 270
Degas, Edgar 322
deltas 57, 266
democracy 293, 306, 307 , 310, 377, 425
dendrites 138
Denmark 216, 246, 248 , 249, 361, 388, 406, 436
Depression 309, 430
dermis 133
desertification 240
deserts 55, 63, 80, 84 , 121
Africa 84, 215, 220, 238, 240, 244, 265, 394
America 169, 223, 229, 232
Asia 269
Middle East 264, 265
design 154, 326–27
Destivelle, Catherine 353
dialysis 173
diamonds 47, 162, 244
diaphragm 136, 137
diaries 342
diatoms 87
dicotyledons 92
Diderot, Denis 416
didgeridoos 331
didinium 85
diet 150
diffusion 172
digestion 142, 143, 144–45, 150
dinosaurs 78–79, 124, 269
diodes 188
disease 72, 85, 86, 149, 151 , 211, 309
dispersion 180
distillation 173, 206
DNA 73 , 128, 148, 209 , 211
DNA fingerprints 209
dodecahedrons 155

dodos 124
dogs 99, 100, 365
dolphins 99, 120
domestication 365
dormice 121
double bass 330
Dracula 341
Dragon King 266
dragonflies 101, 102, 110
drama 271, 344–45, 376
drawing 292, 322
drugs 150, 207 , 311
druids 383
drums 330, 332
Dubai 265
Dubrovnik, Croatia 256
Dun Aengus fort, Ireland 383
Dunant, Henri 313
Duncan, Isadora 336
Duomo, Milan 328
DVDs (digital video discs) 351
dynasties 410, 437

eagles 98, 118, 268
ears 130, 141
Earth 16 , 29, 36–37, 39–48, 55–59, 183, 214–15
atmosphere 10, 29, 36, 49 , 52
climate 62–63
life 16, 37, 70–71, 74–75
seasons 16, 37
in space 10, 14, 37
weather 50–54
earth science 38
earthquakes 43 , 55, 228, 271
Easter Island (Rapa Nui) 396
Eastman, George 325
echidna 123
echinoderms 102, 104
echolocation 99
ecology 80–81
economy 253, 271, 295, 302–3, 308, 309, 314,
316, 430
ecosystems 80 , 81
Ecuador 232, 234, 235, 420
edelweiss 84
Edison, Thomas 177, 346
education 304, 308, 309
EEG (electroencephalograph) 139
Egypt 80, 239, 240, 241, 282
Ancient 369, 370–71, 372
Einstein, Albert 158
eisteddfods 251
El Dorado 405
El Salvador 55, 223, 231
Eleanor of Aquitaine 391
elections 307, 317, 427, 437
electricity 182
batteries 184
circuits 184–85
conductors 160, 184
current 184, 185, 186, 187
electric motors 186
magnetism 186
mains electricity 185
semiconductors 188
signals 188
supply 186, 187
switches 185
electromagnetic radiation 159, 168, 178
electromagnetic spectrum 180, 193
electromagnetism 164, 186
electron microscopes 72
electronics 188–89
see also computers
electrons 157, 159, 160, 182
electroscopes 182
electrostatic induction 182
elements 160–61, 183, 411
elephants 70, 71, 74–75, 96, 120, 124, 176, 238, 296
Elizabeth I 404, 409


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