Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

224 Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

Constance Motif

Depending on your blocking technique, this motif can look very
smooth and circular or spiky and ridged.

Ch 10, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 1, 24 sc in ring, sl st to 1st sc, do not turn—24 sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 6, *sk next sc, dtr in next sc, ch 3, dc in middle of dtr
post; rep from * around, dc in 3rd ch of t-ch, ch 1, hdc in 6th ch of
t-ch, do not turn—11 ch-3 sps.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc around post of hdc, *ch 4, sc in next ch-3 sp; rep
from * around, ch 4, sl st to 1st sc, do not turn—12 sc.

Rnd 4: Ch 1, *6 sc in ch-4 sp, ch 3; rep from * around, sl st to 1st
sc, fasten off—72 sc.



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