Craftseller - November 2014

(Katie Ryan) #1


Shoppers love a one-off. Use different
linings inside your clutch bags to make
each one unique. Choose bright and
bold block colours in contrasting shades for
impact, or go for funky patterns to create a
flash of fun each time the bag is opened.


Look at colour trends to see what’s
in fashion for the season ahead. Make
plenty of clutches in new-season
shades and you’re sure to bag yourself
some extra sales as well as gaining a
reputation for being on top of the trends.


Double the fun! Attach a strap to the
sides of your clutch that can be stored
away inside, giving it two uses as both
a clutch and a handbag.


Set the scene. When photographing
your bag for online sales, try and
rope in a friend to model it for you.
Get your friend to dress in a Christmas party
outfit, so the customers get to see the
clutch in context.

Boost your profits when you follow our top tips
on getting the very best sales for your clutch


Take your clutch to all your social
events this Christmas to get it
noticed. Make sure you keep plenty of
business cards inside to hand out to all the
people that compliment you on it.


Offer a gift wrap service to add
extra value to your sales. Wrap your
clutch in tissue paper and package
it in a gift box tied with luxury ribbon to
give it an extra-special feel. Busy Christmas
shoppers will love the fact that they don't
have to wrap, and you can charge a small
fee for the service.


Get the price right. Factor in materials
costs as well as your time when
pricing your makes for sale, and don’t
be tempted to undercharge. People who
value artisan products will be happy to pay
a fair price for your hard work and skills.


Target your market carefully. Make
sure you understand where your
customers shop, both online and in

person. There’s no point trying to sell high-
end items at a car boot sale, so do your
homework and make sure you’re selling in
the places that your customers are buying.


Don’t skimp. There’s nothing more
annoying than a fastening that breaks,
so buy quality for these finer details to
keep your customers coming back for more.


Get your makes seen. Online
selling is great, but there’s
nothing like getting your wares in
front of shoppers, where they can see and
feel the quality for themselves. So, even
if the bulk of your sales are made online,
do a few craft fairs so you can meet your
customers and earn their trust. If you can
impress them in person, they’ll be much
more likely to buy from you again.


Etsy: Knitted Leather Clutch by
LarvaMade, £49.06

Folksy: Knitted and Crochet Clutch
Bag by Leah Rose Designs, £15

Etsy: Retro Knitted Clutch by
Amanda Sainsbury, £50

Craftseller 77


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