NUANCE. Slight shade; difference; distinction; degree.
ORTHOGENIC. Pertaining to right beginning and development.
ORTHOPEDIC. Relating to the art of curing deformities.
OSSUARY. A depository of dry bones.
PALEOPSYCHIC. Pertaining to the antiquity of the soul.
PANTHEISTIC. Relating to that doctrine which holds that the entire
phenomenal universe, including man and nature, is the ever-changing
manifestation of God, who rises to self-consciousness and personality only in
PATRISTICS. That department of study occupied with the doctrines and
writings of the fathers of the Christian Church.
PHOBIA. Excessive or morbid fear of anything.
PHYLETICALLY. In accordance with the phylum or race; racially.
PHYLETIC. Pertaining to a race or clan.
PHYLOGENY. The history of the evolution of a species or group; tribal history;
ancestral development as opposed to ontogeny or the development of the
PHYLUM. A term introduced by Haeckel to designate the great branches of the
animal and vegetable kingdoms. Each phylum may include several classes.
PICKELHAUBE. The spiked helmet of the German army.
PLANKTON. Sea animals and plants collectively; distinguished from coast or
bottom forms and floating in a great mass.
POLYGAMIC (LOVE). Pertaining to the habit of having more than one mate of
the opposite sex.
POLYPHRASTIC. Having many phrases; pertaining to rambling, incoherent