Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat
of silver, and four pillows with gold facings, and five piled-up pillows with silver facings; and the kit ...
scaffolding for the ceremony called ‘Bathing in State.’ And upon that same evening took place the Great Hen ...
armed with his kris, or other weapon, and entering the women’s apartment, or posting himself at the door, secur ...
when he fell asleep the girl was released from his grasp and taken to the Sultan’s palace, where she was ...
FUNERALS^103 When a man dies, the corpse (called Maiat, except in the case of a Raja, when it is called ...
(pantang) may come near it.^105 The Imām, Bilal, or Khatib, or in their absence the Pah Doja, or Pah Lĕbai, ...
When pounded they are mixed with water (di-banchor^107 ) in a large bowl holding about two gallons, the ...
jug until the water becomes appreciably scented; about twenty leaves of the sweet-scented pandanus (pandan wang ...
that a letter which announces a death should have no kapala.^110 Loud wailing and weeping is forbidde ...
said to be the saint himself who moves them. To the knob of the grave-post is tied a strip of white c ...
as a great sin. At the end of the three days there is yet another feast, at one P.M. (kanduri mĕniga har ...
“The successful practice of (Malay) medicine must be based on the fundamental principle of ‘preserving the ...
“Neutralisatory” Ceremonies for destroying the evil principle (tawar). “Expulsory” Ceremonies (for the casting ou ...
accessories of Malay magic ceremonies (incense, three sorts of rice, etc.), besides three wax tapers, one of w ...
wax tapers, wave it in the smoke of the censer seven times towards the right, and say:— “Peace be with you, ...
And Prophet Khailir in whose charge is the Water, I crave this water (lit. ‘exudation’) as a boon, For the ...
“Peace be with you, O Wheat, You I wish to command, your co-operation I invoke In ‘inspecting’ th ...
round the tray called “centipedes’ feet,” and the rice receptacles of plaited palm-fronds (kĕtupat and lĕpat) whi ...
object of the ceremony, the means of the person for whose benefit they are offered, the caprice of the medicine ...
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