Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat

(Perpustakaan Sri Jauhari) #1
“The    Delik’s branches    spread  out horizontally    (at the top),^104
Chop at it, and it will produce roots.
Though its bark is destroyed, a cudgel is still left for people’s bones,
Even though it be worked on by the charm Kalinting Bakar.”^105

From the same source I obtained this charm, addressed to the Deer, but intended
for fixing the scent (mĕnĕtapkan bau), and for suspending the toils (mĕmasang

“Teng^106   [stands for]    the satengteng  flower,
Ascend ye the twin stream.
If you delight in bracelets and rings
Push forward your two fore-feet.

“When   setting the nooses  (bubohkan   pĕrindu jĕrat)  say,    addressing  the deer    as

“Be filled  with    yearning,   be  filled  with    longing,
As the Holy Basil grows even to a rock,
Be filled with yearning as you sit, be filled with yearning as you go,
Fast-bound by love of this noose of mine.”

The directions given me by another Pawang commenced with a charm for
emboldening the dogs, after which the account proceeds:—

“When   you have    finished    (the    charm   referred    to),    take    seven   steps   forward,    leaving
the toils behind you, and standing erect, look forward and call as follows:—

“O  all ye  Saids   (lawful descendants of  the Prophet),
Unto you, my Lords, belong the Deer,
Si Lambaun was the origin of the Deer,
Si Lanang is their Herdsman,
Drive ye the Deer into our toils.
This causeway of rock (titian batu) is your high road and market-square,
The resort of innumerable people.
Follow, follow in long procession,
And let the “Assembly”-Flower unfold its petals.
Come in procession, come in succession,
Our toils have come to summon you to the spot.
Ho, Deer that are unfortunate, Deer that are curst,
Enter this path of mine which is empty of men.
On the left stand spearmen,
On the right stand spearmen,
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