Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
The Guardians of the Gate came into being during
the Last War to monitor the activities of foreign nation­
als and immigrants. Their duties have expanded since
the surge of refugees into Sharn following the Mourn­
ing, and the Guardians of the Gate closely supervise the
district of High Walls. The Guardians are chosen from
among the best soldiers of the Watch and are devoted to
their city. Many of them, however, place the safety of the
city ahead of strict adherence to the law, and complaints
are raised against them from time to time for unneces­
sary violence against refugees.
The Redcloak Battalion is an exceptional unit of sol­
diers that is called upon if a situation calls for extreme
military force. The Redcloaks are heroes of the Last
War, and now that the fighting is over most of them don't
appreciate being used as local police. The Redcloaks
are absolutely faithful to Breland: they are willing to lay
down their lives in the service of their nation. Trying
to bribe a Redcloak is a good way to lose a hand. Like
the Blackened Book, however, the Redcloaks are elite
troops that act only when they're mustered by a captain
of the Watch; typically, they won't be asked to respond
to a situation if it's not in the interests of the Boromar
Clan. The Redcloak Battalion is described in more de­
tail in chapter 3.

SHARN WATCH NPCs ���������-
The Sharn Watch includes people from all walks of life:
veterans of the Last War, retired adventurers, lifelong
residents of the city, and immigrants who have become
Brelish citizens. You can select from or roll on the
Sharn Watch Races and Sharn Watch Personalities
tables to generate a Watch NPC. There is a 75 percent
chance the NPC is taking bribes from the Boromar Clan
or another wealthy patron. This doesn't necessarily
mean that the officer is willing to take a bribe from one
of the adventurers.
Some of the Sharn Watch's most important people are
as follows:

  • Lord Commander Iyan ir'Talan is a male human
    in charge of the Sharn Watch. As long as the city's
    wealthy elite are content to keep Iyan in power, he
    does little more than maintain the status quo.

  • Commander Lian Halamar is a male halfiing who
    leads the garrison in the Daggerwatch district in
    Upper Dura. The Boromar Clan bribes Lian to make
    sure the Watch is away from the scene during their
    criminal activities. The Boromars are pressuring Lian
    to crack down on Daask, but he has no desire to put
    his officers in danger unnecessarily.
    Commander Belew Yorgan is a male dwarf who
    leads the Sword Point garrison in Middle Central.
    He does his best to serve the interests of the nobles
    and wealthy patrons in the Central Plateau, and as a
    result these wards are among the safest in Sharn. But
    Yorgan's loyalties are first and foremost to his purse,
    and the troops under his command serve whoever's
    paying the most.

  • Commander Silaena Caza! is a female elf who runs
    the Warden Towers garrison in Middle Menthis. Over
    a century of service, she has woven a net of graft and


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Brelish folk often forget that the Guardians of the Gate
have a civilian branch that handles administrative issues
and special customs investigations. Tethyn Olar has led
that arm of the Sharn Watch for more than a decade.
Many immigrants owe their safe and comfortable lives
in our city to this man, but claims have surfaced re­
cently charging him with corruption, saying that he took
money from immigrants in exchange for a faster path
into Sharn. Olar has refuted those claims with this state­
ment: "Look at the lower wards to see the vast number
of poor immigrants the Gate allows to enter in the city.
Those with wealth tend to be more responsible and
quicker to put their paperwork together, but none with
worthy cause to be here are barred."

extortion across Menthis Plateau; she looks after
those who pay their dues. Her mother was driven
from House Phiarlan when she developed an aberrant
dragonmark. Because of that treatment, Silaena har­
bors deep resentment for the dragonmarked houses
and will occasionally take actions to inconvenience
them. Thora Tavin of House Tarkanan is working to
strengthen her relationship with Commander Caza!.

  • Commander Iyanna ir'Talan is a female human who
    commands the Black Arch garrison in Lower Tav­
    ick's Landing. The daughter of the Lord Commander,
    Iyanna is idealistic and honorable. She fights for the
    good of the common people. If the adventurers need
    an honest ally in the Watch, Iyanna is perhaps their
    best hope. Despite her father's best efforts to keep her
    from getting entangled in the criminal underworld,
    her actions have won her no friends among Sham's
    crime lords, and her life could be in danger despite
    her parentage.

  • Lady Warden Maira ir'Talan, a distant relative of the
    Lord Commander, leads the Blackened Book. A gifted
    diviner, Maira is a highly effective leader. What none
    know is that she's also an agent of the Dreaming
    Dark. Five years ago, a kalaraq quori (see chapter

  1. named Tirashana implanted a mind seed in her
    thoughts. Maira continues to do her job while conceal­
    ing any evidence of the Dreaming Dark's schemes.

  • Captain Daja Brei is a female human who commands
    the Guardians of the Gate. Daja firmly believes that
    the Guardians are all that stands between order
    and chaos in Sharn, and she acts with unbridled
    force if she believes a group or an individual threat­
    ens the city.

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