Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

  • Captain Khandan Doi is a male dwarf who leads
    the Redcloak Battalion. Khandan is a local legend
    who served in the Brelish army throughout the Last
    War; he was knighted by the last king of Galifar and
    swore an oath to the first queen of Breland. He enjoys
    drinking and gambling. He takes discipline seriously,
    though, and expects his soldiers to show complete loy­
    alty to their country and its king. Because of his expe­
    riences in the war, he has a deep dislike for Thranes
    and followers of the Silver Flame, but he rarely lets
    these feelings interfere with his duties.

d20 Race d20 Race
Changeling 12 -1 3 Halfling
2-4 Dwarf^14 -1^6 Human
5-6 Elf 17 Kalashtar
7 Gnome 18 Shifter
8-9 Half-elf^19 -20 Warforged
10 -1 1 Half-ore

dlO Personality
Disgruntled veteran of the Last War who has seen
2 Lifelong Sharn resident who loves discussing rumors
and debating the city's best haunts

Layabout who tries to do as little work as possible
Eternal optimist who encourages victims of crime to
have hope and look on the bright side
5 Investigator who loves to get to the bottom of a
6 Rookie with no experience in facing danger who is a
bundle of nerves
7 Brawny meathead who believes all problems can be
solved with force
8 Greedy opportunist who's always angling for a bribe
9 Uptight perfectionist who appears to do everything
by the book
10 Unfriendly interrogator who assumes everyone spills
their secrets to the Tyrants.


Sharn Watch stations are located throughout the city.
The largest are the garrison posts like Daggerwatch and
Sword Point; smaller stations in various places are used
to hold criminals, dispatch patrols, and take care of day­
to-day business.
A typical Sharn Watch station has two well-guarded
entrances. One is connected to a main vestibule, where
an officer in a security room with a magically reinforced
window signs visitors in and confiscates their spell com­
ponents, spellcasting focuses, and weapons. The other
entrance is a large barred and warded door that leads to
the garage, which holds skycoaches and soarsleds. Both
of these areas are connected to the station's bullpen by
way of locked and warded doors.


The Watch Station Adventures table offers reasons
why the characters might need to visit (or break into)
such a location.

d6 Adventure Goal
Destroy evidence of a crime that's being stored in a
Watch station, or plant evidence in a Watch station to
frame someone for a crime.
2 Learn which members of a station's crew are on the
payroll of a criminal organization.
3 Ensure the station's Watch officers are indisposed
during an upcoming crime spree.
4 Help defend a Watch station from a siege.
5 Free someone being held at a Watch station.
6 Steal uniforms from a Watch station.

Corrupt or extremist members of the Sharn Watch are
villains of a special sort: legitimate authority figures
who have access to the city's law-enforcement re­
sources. The protections these villains enjoy often call
for drastic measures to stop them, which the characters
might be labeled as criminals themselves and might
have to go underground to avoid arrest or harassment.
Examples of Sham Watch villains appear on the Sham
Watch Villains table.

d6 Villain
A dwarf arrests random halflings on the streets in the
lower wards and allows Daask agents to interrogate
and torture them.
2 A Brelish veteran of the Last War arrests and murders
innocent Cyran refugees, claiming each time that the
victim tried to attack him.
3 A changeling investigator works for the Tyrants and
pins unsolved crimes on other Sharn Watch members
who interfere with the Tyrants' business.
4 A half-elf works her way through the ranks of the
Sharn Watch by assassinating her superiors but mak­
ing it look like they died in the line of duty.
5 An elf in the lower wards comes to the aid of only
those who pay a monthly protection fee.
6 A Blackened Book mage confiscates magic items
from others to auction off to criminals.

If you want to make the Sharn Watch a significant part
of the campaign, you can develop a story for a particu­
lar commander. Lian Halamar is the primary agent of
the Boromar Clan, and if the adventurers are fighting
the Clan, any interaction with the Watch can ultimately
come to Lian's attention, with his corruption slowly be­
coming more and more evident. If the characters oppose
House Tarkanan, it could be Commander Caza! who
keeps interfering with their investigations and placing
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