7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
30 Expressions and Patterns

Multiplication can be indicated by using parentheses.

Use Order of Operations

Evaluate 14 + 3 ( 7 - 2 ). Justify each step.
14 + 3 ( 7 - 2 ) = 14 + 3 ( 5 ) Subtract 2 from 7.
= 14 + 15 Multiply 3 and 5.
= 29 Add 14 and 15.

c. 20 - 2 ( 4 - 1 ) · 3 d. 6 + 8 ÷ 2 + 2 ( 3 - 1 )

MONEY Julian orders 3 rolls of crepe Item Unit Cost
crepe paper $2
favors $7
balloons $5

paper, 4 boxes of balloons, and 2 boxes
of favors for the school dance. What is
the total cost?



cost of 3 rolls + cost of 4 boxes + cost of 2 boxes
of crepe paper of balloons of favors
3 × 2 + 4 × 5 + 2 × 7

3 × 2 + 4 × 5 + 2 × 7 = 6 + 20 + 14 Multiply from left to right.
= 40 Add.
The total cost is $40.

e. MONEY Write and evaluate an expression to find the total cost
of 12 rolls of crepe paper, 3 boxes of balloons, and 3 boxes of

Real-World Link
Crepe paper originated
in the late 1700s.


Examples 1–3 Evaluate each expression. Justify each step.

  1. 8 + (5 - 2) 2. 25 ÷ (9 - 4)

  2. 14 - 2 · 6 + 9 4. 8 · 5 - 4 · 3

  3. 4 × 10 2 6. 45 ÷ (4 - 1)^2

  4. 17 + 2(6 - 3) - 3 × 4 8. 22 - 3(8 - 2) + 12 ÷ 4

Example 4 99 COINS Roy has 3 nickels, 2 quarters, 2 dimes, and 7 pennies. Write and
evaluate an expression to find how much money he has.

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