Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
iv. membranes and organelles.
c) This organelle is responsible for transporting substances around the cell:
i. Ribosome
ii. Golgi body
iii. Nucleus
iv. Endoplasmic reticulum
d) The nucleus doesnotcontrol:
i. Hereditary transmission
ii. Cellular respiration
iii. Metabolism
iv. Structure
e) The energy that a molecule possesses while moving:
i. Potential energy
ii. Kinetic energy
iii. Magnetic energy
iv. Mechanical energy
f) Which of the following isnota product of cellular respiration?
i. CO 2
ii. H 2 O
iii. O 2
iv. ATP

  1. Give the correct biologicaltermfor each of the following. Write only thetermnext to
    the relevant question number.
    a) Part of the cell that consists of about 90% water.
    b) Often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell.
    c) Pigment found in green plants.
    d) The part of a plant cell that is composed of cellulose.
    e) The fluid inside the vacuole.
    f) The movement of a substance against a concentration gradient.
    g) The structure that distributes substances made in the cell.

  2. Choose the correctoptionfor each of the following questions. Write only theterm
    next to the relevant question number.
    a) What structure contains DNA and regulates most of the processes within the cell?
    i. Mitochondria
    ii. Chloroplast
    iii. Nucleus
    iv. Nucleolus
    b) What is a cell membrane?
    i. thin flexible barrier around the cell that regulates transport
    ii. rigid cover that provides support for the cell
    iii. the place where light energy, water and carbon dioxide are used
    iv. special organelle that converts solar energy to chemical energy
    c) Which two organelles contain their own DNA genome, separate from the nuclear

94 3.6. End of chapter exercises

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