Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure 10.7: Euglenaan example of a protist.

Euglena showing its chloroplasts.

Figure 10.8: A collection of the different types of protists that exist.

Kingdom Fungi

Fungi are eukaryotic, multicellular (some unicellular like yeasts). They have a cell wall made
of chitin. They are non-motile (not capable of movement). Fungi consist of threads called
hyphae. Fungi are heterotrophic organisms which means they require organic compounds of
carbon and nitrogen for nourishment. They are important as decomposers (saprophytes) and
can be parasitic. They store carbon as glycogen, not in the form of starch. Fungi reproduce
sexually and asexually by spore formation. Important examples of fungi include Mushrooms
andPenicillium(a fungus which was used to make penicillin, one of the most powerful
anti-biotics ever created) and also bread mould.

304 10.4. Five kingdom system

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