Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



This book is interactive. Over and over again you show us what you’ve learned.
We check your progress page by page, paragraph by paragraph, and make sure
you’re with us every step of the way. If you’re not, we help you figure out why
you’re not.

You might notice that our book cover is unlike most others. It doesn’t promise
you six, seven, or eight full-length practice tests. It would be easy for us to fill
our pages with simulated test after simulated test, but testing yourself repeatedly
with practice tests won’t raise your score. You’ll just prove that you can get the
same score over and over again.

However, Chapters 15 through 20 of this book are made up of three full-length
tests, complete with explanations, that are just like the real SAT Chemistry
Subject Test. As you work your way through these tests, you’ll become more
comfortable with the way that ETS tests content, and when you sit down to take
the real test on test day, you’ll be more than prepared.

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