Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

affected by the addition of heat? (B) does—it says that the average speed of
gas molecules increases as heat (thermal energy) is added to the system and
decreases as heat is taken away from a system. The answer to question 1 is

  1.      If  you know    the ideal   gas law (covered    in  Chapter 8), you would   simply

    look among the answer choices for one of the variables from the equation,
    PV = nRT. In this equation, P = pressure, V = volume, n = number of moles
    of gas, R = the ideal gas constant, and T = temperature. Volume is the
    variable listed among the answer choices, so the correct answer is (D).

  2. You should associate vapor pressure with the degree to which a liquid
    will evaporate at a temperature that’s below its normal boiling point—and
    lo and behold, this is similar to how you’ve paraphrased choice (E):
    volatility. The answer is (E).

  3. Read the question, and then look at the answer choices. Which of the
    choices, when stated in your words, mentions a characteristic of a gas that
    depends on its formula but not its temperature? Well, choice (C) looks like
    the most likely—the weight of a gas molecule does depend on its identity
    (formula) but not on its temperature. None of the other answer choices
    make any sense, so choose (C).

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