Everything Science Grade 10
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.2 Example 1: Calculating current I QUESTION An amount of charge equal to 45 C moves past a poin ...
17.2 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS seconds, what is the current in the circuit? SOLUTION Step 1:Analyse the question We are give ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.3 electron is 1 , 6 × 10 −^19 C. Step 2:Apply the principles: determine the charge We know that ...
17.3 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS What causes resistance? ESAFH On a microscopic level, electrons moving through the conductor ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.3 An important effect of a resistor is that itconvertselectrical energy into other forms ofheat ...
17.4 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Series resistors ESAFJ When we add resistors in series to a circuit: There is only one path ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.4 bbbbb b V V V V V = 5V V = 5V V = 5V V = 15V zooming in Consider the diagram below. On the le ...
17.4 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Method: Construct each circuit shown below Measure the voltage across each resistor in the c ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.4 b b 5 Ω 17 Ω What is the total resistance in the circuit? SOLUTION Step 1:Analyse the questio ...
17.4 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Example 5: Series resistors II QUESTION A circuit contains three resistors in series. The res ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.4 The total resistance of the resistors in series is19 Ω. Example 6: Series resistors III QUEST ...
17.5 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS we have that: RS=R 1 +R 2 +... RS=R 1 +R 2 = 750kΩ + 1, 7 MΩ = 750× 103 Ω + 1, 7 × 106 Ω = 0, ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.5 Look at the following circuit diagrams. The battery is the same in all cases, all that change ...
17.5 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Example 7: Voltages I QUESTION Consider this circuit diagram: 2V V 1 What is the voltage acro ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.5 Example 8: Voltages II QUESTION Consider this circuit: 2V VB= 1V VA What is the voltage acros ...
17.5 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Vbattery=V 1 +Vresistor 2 V=V 1 + 1V V 1 = 1V Example 9: Voltages III QUESTION Consider the c ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.5 individual resistors Vtotal=VB+Vknown Using the relationship between the voltage across the b ...
17.5 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS three in parallel). We know the voltage across the battery and two of the resistors. We want ...
CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 17.5 Adding a resistor to the circuit in parallel decreases the total resistance V = 2 V R = 2Ω A ...
17.5 CHAPTER 17. ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Rearrange 1 RP = R 2 +R 1 R 1 R 2 1 RP = R 1 +R 2 R 1 R 2 RP=RR^1 R^2 1 +R 2 For any two resi ...
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