Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Bubble in Your Answers in Groups

Going back and forth from the test book to your answer sheet after every single
question can eat up lots of time. A better strategy is to bubble in your answers in
groups. As you finish a question, write the answer as a big capital letter directly
underneath the question number. After you’ve finished a page or two, transfer your
answers to the answer sheet. Of course, make sure you bubble in your answer sheet
correctly; as you get to each question number, say it (to yourself), along with the
letter you’ve written down below the question number, and transfer that to the
answer sheet. If you’ve skipped a question, be sure to leave that one blank on the
answer sheet. It’s important to keep your eye on the time because after time is
called, you will not be allowed to bubble in anything on your answer sheet. So
when you’re getting to the end of the test (say, the last 5 minutes), it’s a good idea to
bubble in your answers one at a time, just to be sure you get them all in before time
is called.

Make Two Passes Through the Test

The point of the two-pass system is to make sure you answer all the questions you
find easy first before spending time on questions you find more difficult. Read
through the questions in the order in which they’re presented in the test book. If you
can answer one relatively quickly, do so, and write the answer as a big capital
letter directly below the question number. If it’s a question that you think you could
answer, but it looks like it might take a little while, circle the question number, and
move on. If it’s a question that you decide should be skipped entirely, put a big “X”
through the question itself and then place a dash directly underneath the question
number. As you move through the test, periodically check your watch to see how
you’re doing on time (remember, the time limit is one hour). Continue like this—
deciding whether each question is answerable now, later, or never—until you reach
question number 75 (which is always the last question). You have now completed
your first pass through the test.

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