php[architect] November 2018

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October Happenings

PHP Releases

PHP 7.3.0RC4:

PHP 7.2.11:

PHP 7.1.23:


Matthew Weier O’Phinney: The Future of Zend


Matthew Weier O’Phinney, (former) lead developer on the
Zend Framework and Expressive projects, has a new post to
his site looking at the future of the Zend Framework and how
priorities have shifted. He points out that the team largely
responsible for the framework and building it over the years
(himself, Enrico Zimuel, Zeev Suraski and Dmitry Stogo) will
be leaving Rogue Wave and looking for other employment.

Rob Allen: Replacing a Built-in PHP Function

When Testing a Component

Rob Allen has a new post to his site sharing a method you can
use in your testing to replace a built-in PHP function with
something customized for your needs. He starts off with the
code he wants to test—a response method—and a simplified
version of the test.

Brandon Savage: Avoiding Setter Injection

Brandon Savage has a tutorial posted to his site covering the
use of setter injection, some of the issues that can come with
using it and how to avoid it. He goes on to point out two flaws
with setter injection: “half-baked” objects and the injection of
potentially unused objects/resources.

Tomas Votruba: Brief History of Tools Watching
and Changing Your PHP Code
Tomas Votruba has a new post to his site sharing a listing of
some of the more useful and well-established development
tooling for PHP and related technologies. He breaks the arti-
cle down into three sections, each with several tools linked
under them.

Frederick Vanbrabant: The Integration
Operation Segregation Principle
In a new post to his site Frederick Vanbrabant tackles the
integration operation segregation principle. While the term
sounds intimidating, it’s just a long way to say something
you probably already do: refactor code into smaller testable

Derick Rethans: Using the Right Debugging Tools
Derick Rethans has a new post with his own suggestion about
using the right debugging tools to help track down a prob-
lem (based on some of his own experience debugging the
MongoDB PHP extension). He walks through the process he
took to try and debug the issue using GDB to see where the
execution was failing using various techniques.

Exakat: The Land Where PHP Uses eval()
In a new post to their blog, Exakat looks at the use of eval in
PHP applications and how, despite all of the warnings against
using it, it’s still found in quite a few codebases (based on their
scans). Each example comes with a summary of the method
and code showing how it’s being used.
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