Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Chapter 9 linear inequaliTieS 347

  1. The Martinez family’s monthly budget for electricity is $80 to $140. Their elec-
    tricity provider charges a $20 customer charge plus $0.12 per kilowatt-hour
    (kWh) of electricity. How much electricity can they use in a month and remain in
    their budget?
    a. between 500 and 1000 kWh
    b. between 500 and 1200 kWh
    C. between 600 and 1200 kWh
    D. between 600 and 1300 kWh

  2. A father plans to rent a car to travel to another state to attend his son’s college
    graduation ceremony. One rental car agency charges $32 per day with unlimited
    mileage. Another agency charges $23 per day plus 6 cents per mile. For what
    average daily mileage is the unlimited mileage plan more attractive?
    a. More than 525 miles
    b. at most 525 miles
    C. at most 150 miles
    D. More than 150 miles

  3. The solution to 17   ≤  –  21 x ≤  5 is
    a. -≤≤ 43 x
    b. -≤≤ 34 x
    C. 43 ≤≤x
    D. 43 ≤≤-x

  4. The solution to 5 32

<  x^ +  <  8 is

a. -<<^1



b. 61 <<x 0

C. -<<^1

x 0


<<x 3
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