Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
InDex 479

DeMYSTiFieD / algebra DeMYSTiFieD / HuttenMuller / 000-0 / Index

Quadratic applications (Cont.):
round-trip problems, 442–447
work problems, 400–407
Quadratic equations, 349–381. See also Quadratic
basic format, 350
extracting roots, 361–363
factoring, 350–361
linear equations, 214
quadratic formula, 363–373
rational equations, 373–382
simplifying the equation, 365–368, 382
Quadratic formula, 364
Quadratic polynomial, 154
Quadratic-type expressions, 164–166
Quiz answers, 457–458
Quotient, 27

Radical symbol, 113
Rational equations, 210, 373–382
Rationalizing the denominator, 119–123
Rectangle formulas, 417
Rectangular box, 418
Reduce fraction to lowest terms, 7. See also Simplifying
Remainder, 27
Return trip problems, 442–447
Revenue, 321
Revenue formula, 391
Revenue problems, 391–400
Rewrite subtraction problem as addition problem,
Root-power cancellation property, 114
Root properties. See also Roots
overview (table), 127
product followed by root/root followed by
product, 113
quotient followed by root/root followed by
quotient, 114
root followed by power/power followed by root, 114
root-power cancellation property, 114
Roots, 113–126
cube (or higher) root, 120
expressed as exponents, 123–125, 127
fraction exponent, 123
linear equations, 212–213, 218–219, 220
properties. See Root properties
quadratic equations, 361–363
rationalizing the denominator, 119–123
simplifying, 115–123

Roots (Cont.):
simplifying multiple roots, 125–126
terminology/basics, 113
Round-trip problems, 442–447

Simplifying fractions
compound fraction, 25–26
compound fraction containing variables,
factoring, 148–151, 166–168
quadratic equations, 367–368
simple fraction, 7–9
simple fraction containing variables, 46–49
Simplifying multiple roots, 125–126
Simplifying roots, 115–123
Sphere (ball), 417
Square root, 113. See also Roots
Square root method, 361
Statistical Abstract of the United States, 227
Stream distance problems, 429, 430
decimals, 67–69
fractions. See Fractions—subtraction
mixed numbers, 30–31
negative numbers, 79–82
rewrite subtraction problem as addition problem,

Temperature, 78. See also Fahrenheit
vs. Celsius
Term, 47
Terminating decimal number, 67
Thermometer, 78
Three unknowns
distance problems, 296
number sense problems, 248–251
Total cost, 321
Triangle formulas, 417
Trip time, 442–447

Unbounded inequality, 318, 319
Uniform rate problem, 285

Variable costs, 321
Variables, 45–64
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