Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

478 algebra De mystif ieD

DeMYSTiFieD / algebra DeMYSTiFieD / HuttenMuller / 000-0 / Index

Linear equations (Cont.):
inverse operations, 186–187
multiple variables, 204–209, 220
order of operations, 184
quadratic equations, 214
rational equations, 210
square root, 212–213, 218–219, 220
steps in process, 189
verifying the solution, 189
Linear inequalities, 311–347
applied problems, 320–329, 339–342
bounded intervals, 329–342
business problems, 320–329
double inequalities, 329–342
interval notation, 318–320, 329–330
notation/meaning, 312, 318, 320
number line, 312–314, 329
solving, 314–318
two variables, 336–338
unbounded inequality, 318, 319

Minus sign vs. negative sign, 80
Mixed number
addition, 30–31
division, 32–34
improper fractions, and, 26–30
multiplication, 31–32
subtraction, 30–31
what is it, 26, 27–28
Mixed number arithmetic, 30–31
Mixture problems, 262–271, 306–307
cross-, 210, 211
decimals, 69–70
exponents, quantities with, 96,
fractions, 2–5
fractions with variables, 49–50
mixed numbers, 31–32
negative numbers, 84–86
zero, by, 212

Negating variables, 86–87
Negative infinity, 318
Negative numbers, 77–93
addition, 78–79
distributing, 135–137
division, 84–86

Negative numbers (Cont.):
factoring, 143–145
fractions, 87–88
multiplication, 84–86
negating variables, 86–87
notation, 80
“opposite,” 82
rewrite subtraction problem as addition problem,
subtraction, 79–82
summary (table), 89
thermometer/temperature, 78
Negative sign vs. minus sign, 80
Nonterminating decimal number, 67
Number facts, 451
Number line, 312–314, 329
Number sense problems
linear applications, 241–248
quadratic applications, 388–391
summary (how to), 306
three unknowns, 248–251
two unknowns, 241–248

Order of operations, 184
Overhead costs, 321

Percent, 224
Percent problems, 224–233
rectangle, 417
triangle, 417
Positive infinity, 318
Power, 96. See also Exponents
Prime factors, 452–454
Prime numbers (and their squares), 456
Principal square root, 113
Production cost, 321
Profit, 321
Pythagorean theorem, 417, 436

Quadratic applications, 387–450
distance problems, 429–441
falling object problems, 407–416
geometric problems, 416–429
number sense problems, 388–391
revenue problems, 391–400
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