Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

558 Final Exam

  1. Imagine that we come across two cubic functions, where all the coefficients and
    constants are real numbers. We want to solve these functions as a two-by-two system.
    What is the minimum number of real solutions that such a system can have?
    (a) None.
    (b) One.
    (c) Two.
    (d) Three.
    (e) We can’t answer this without more information.

  2. Figure FE-4 shows four mappings. In each case, the maximal domain and the
    co-domain are represented by the solid gray regions. Which of these drawings
    illustrates the concept of a surjection onto the co-domain?
    (a) Drawing A.
    (b) Drawing B.
    (c) Drawing C.
    (d) Drawing D.
    (e) None of them.



Figure FE-4 Illustration for Final Exam
Question 52.
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