Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

682 Worked-Out Solutions to Exercises: Chapters 21 to 29

  1. Because the parabola opens upward, we know that its vertex is an absolute minimum.
    To find the x-coordinate of this point, we average the two zeros:

xmin= (3 + 1/4)/2
= (12/4 + 1/4)/2
= (13/4)/2
= 13/8

We can calculate the y-coordinate of this point by plugging in 13/8 for x in the polyno-
mial form of the function:

ymin= 4 xmin^2 − 13 xmin+ 3
= 4 × (13/8)^2 − 13 × 13/8 + 3
= 4 × 169/64 − 169/8 + 3
= 676/64 − 1,352/64 + 192/64
= (676 − 1,352 + 192) / 64

The coordinates of the absolute minimum are (13/8, −121/16).

  1. We know the two points where the curve crosses the x axis (representing the zeros of
    the function). The left-hand x-intercept point is (1/4, 0). The right-hand x-intercept
    point is (3, 0). We also know that the absolute minimum point is (13/8, −121/16). The
    graph, based on these three known points, is shown in Fig. C-2. On both axes, each
    increment represents 1 unit.

  2. Remember the polynomial standard form for a quadratic function of a variable x, where
    we have coefficients a and b, and a stand-alone constant c. If we let the dependent
    variable be called y, then

y=ax^2 +bx+c

The function we’re interested in is

y= 7 x^2 + 5 x+ 2

In the polynomial, we have a > 0, so we know that the graph of the function is a parabola
that opens upward. When we examine the discriminant d, we find that

d=b^2 − 4 ac
= 52 − 4 × 7 × 2
= 25 − 56
=− 31

The fact that d is negative tells us that the quadratic equation

7 x^2 + 5 x+ 2 = 0
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