Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

240 Index

Algebraic expressions (cont.)
as GCF, 121–126
parentheses in, 67–72
terms in. See Ter m s
Algebraic fractions
adding, 146–150
dividing, 145–146
mult iply ing, 143 –145
reducing to lowest terms, 139–143
subtracting, 146–150
“Approximately equal to” symbol (≈), 5
Associative property of addition, 9, 10
Associative property of multiplication, 10

defi nition of, 44
in exponential expression, 45f
product rule and, 74–75
quotient rule and, 75–77
Binary operation, 8
defi nition of, 85
in factoring, 134–136
identifying, 86
multiplying, 98–101, 127–131
special products, 102
Braces, 58
Brackets, 58, 108

Cartesian coordinate plane
functions graphed in, 201
number lines in, 171, 172f
ordered pairs in. See Ordered pairs
origin of, 171, 172f, 191
quad ra nt s of, 174 –176 , 17 5f
Circles, 6, 64–65, 203, 217–218
Closure property of addition, 8
Closure property of multiplication, 8–9
Coeffi cients
GCF with negative, 123–125
linear equation rules, 154
linear inequality rules, 161
monomials and, 84–85, 87–88, 94–98
one as, 65
in quadratic trinomials, 132–133, 168
in radical simplifying, 40–42
of variables, 65–66
Commutative property of addition, 9
Commutative property of multiplication, 9

Commutative property of subtraction, 24
Completing the square technique, 166–167
Complex fractions, 151–152
Complex numbers, 163, 167
defi nition of, 64
determining, 64–65
grouping symbols and, 66
in linear equations, 154
in monomials, 84–85, 87
Coordinate axes, 171, 172f
Coordinate of a number line point, 2
absolute value of, 171–173
determining, 173, 173f
diagram of, 172f
in function set, 195 –196
order of, 171
at origin, 171
i n quad ra nt s, 174 –17 5, 17 5f
x-coordinate. See x-coordinate
y-coordinate. See y-coordinate
Counting numbers. See Natural numbers
Cube root
categorization of, 5–7
of decimals, 37, 39
defi nition of, 36
function with, 200
in order of operations, 37
principal, 36–37, 39, 53

absolute value of, 16
addition of, 20
categorization of, 4, 6–7
cube root of, 37, 39
exponentiation of
with fractions, 53
with natural numbers, 47
with negative numbers, 51
with one, 45
with zero, 49
on number line, 6
perfect square, 33
repeating, 5
rounding of, 5
square of, 47
square root of, 34, 53
terminating, 4–5
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