Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 241

Dependent variable, 197
Difference of two cubes, 102, 134, 136
Difference of two squares, 102, 134–135
Distance between two points in a plane, 176–177
Distributive property, 11
Division. See also Fractions
addition and, 59, 120
of algebraic fractions, 145–146
of complex fractions, 151
components of, 110
with exponents
fractions, 54–56
natural numbers, 47–48
negative numbers, 51–52, 120
one, 45
power of a quotient rule, 79
quotient rule for, 75–77, 81
zero, 49
by GCF, 139–143
of integers, 4
linear equation rules, 155
linear inequality rules, 159, 161
multiplication and, 120
of natural numbers, 1–2
negative numbers in, 29–30
in order of operations, 59–63, 68
of polynomials, 110 –117, 120
in polynomial expressions, 104–105
quotient rule for, 75–77, 81
sign for, 29
signed numbers rules, 29–30
simplifying, 120
of whole numbers, 2
zero in, 4, 29, 110, 139, 155, 180–181
Domain of functions, 195–200

e (transcendental number), 6, 8
Elimination method, 208–210
“Equal to” symbol (=), 120
linear. See Linear equations
quadratic. See Quadratic equations
sides of, 154
solving, 154
defi nition of, 44
in exponential expression, 45f
fractions as, 53–57, 84–85
highest common, 121

natural numbers as, 44–48, 74–81
negative numbers as, 50–52, 77, 84–85,
104 –105, 120
one as, 45, 95
rational, 54–57
rules for, 74–81
zero as, 48–49
Exponential expression
components of, 45f
defi nition of, 44
parentheses in, 48, 59
power of a product rule, 78–80, 119–120
power of a quotient rule, 79
a power to a power rule, 77–78
product rule, 74–75
quotient rule, 75–77
reciprocals of, 50–51
defi nition of, 44
in order of operations
with addition, 48, 120
algebraic expressions, 69
PEMDAS, 59–62
polynomial expressions, 106–108

“equal to” symbol and, 120
greatest common, 121–126, 139–143
prime, 148
vs. terms, 119
Factor ing
of algebraic fractions, 139–143
defi nition of, 119
by FOIL method, 127–131
by grouping, 126–127, 131–133
guidelines for, 137
with negative coeffi cients, 123–125
objective of, 119
one in, 122–126
perfect trinomial squares, 133–134
quadratic trinomials, 127–133
two terms, 134 –136
Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion, 70
Fifth root, 38
FOIL method, 99–101, 127–131
Fourth root, 6, 38
absolute value of, 16–17
addition of, 19–20
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