Fundamentals Of English Grammar
EXERCISE 35. BE SUPPOSED TO. (Chart 10-12) &mtions: Identify who is supposed to do something. TOM'S BOSS: Mail this package ...
EXERCISE 37. BE SUPPOSED TO. (Chart 10-1 2) Direcn'w: Thii of this the following people are or were supposed to do. Use be suppo ...
When I went downtown, I get lost. Last night I very tire. 1 1. The bus was arrived ten minutes late. I am disagreed with that ...
CountlNoncount Nouns and Articles CONTENTS 11-1 A vs. an 11-6 Nouns that can be count or noncount 11-2 Count and noncount nouns ...
(a) I have a pencil. (b) I live in an apartment. (c).. I have a smaU aoarn (d).. I live ... in an old build .. .: (e) I have an ...
) 11-L CAJUN1 ANU NUNLUUNINUUNS NONCOUNT F SINGULAa PLWL a chair 0* cham one chair two chairs some chairs 0 furniture 0 some fur ...
EXERCISE 5. Preview: count and noncount nouns. (Charts 11-2 and 11-3) L. Directions: Write alan or some in the blanks. Identify ...
EXERCISE 6. Count and noncount nouns. (Charts 11-2 and 11-3) Directions: Add final -81-es if possible. Otherwise, write a slash ...
EXERCISE 7. Count and noncount nouns. (Charts 11-2 + 11-4) Directions: Add final-sl-os if possible. Otherwise, write a slash (I) ...
-. .- - JSE 9. Noncount abstractions. (Chart 11- Directim: In groups or by yourself, complete the ouns are usually noncount. T ...
11-5 Using several, a lot of, manylmuch, and afowla little FE WlA LITTLE I I COUNT I NONCOUNT I I 0 I Several is used only with ...
EXERCISE 12. HOW MANY and HOW MUCH. (Charts 11-1 + 11-5) Direczions: Create questions with how many or how much. Use the informa ...
EXERCISE 13. MANY vs. MUCH. (Charts 11-1 + 11-5) Directions: Work in pairs. Speaker A: Using the cues, ask a question using how ...
apple fruit advice monq coin 1 1. friend rain Fwnch hour .. _. , 15. worhpaste chicken I bought - at the market.*.. .. - ,'. ...
1 11 -6 NOUNS THAT CAN BE COUNT OR NONCOUNT ylure a xew nouns can oe useu as eirner counr or noncounr nouns. oxamplev ur UUUI uu ...
..- iwi. 7. 8 paper *L:~. ,, .~- , c. The New York Times is (a, some) famous Yk,. '. ;,: k&.&&'.?. .;,, :!~:. , ' 8 ...
(L~I I nau sume rea. @) I had two cups of tea. (c) I ate some toast. (d) I ate one piece of toast. lo menuon a speclnc quanury o ...
pm 11. You are hungry and thirsty. What are you going to have? Choose from these units of measure.. 3. , bowl mP glass piece sli ...
; 11-8 Guidelines for article usage h USING A OR 0 (NO ARTICLE) USING A OR SOME ,., A dog makes a good pet. @) A banana is yello ...
A speaker uses a with a singular count noun when she is talking about one thing (or person) that is not specific. In (j): The sp ...
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