Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
EXERCISE 33. Writing: verb tense review. (Chapters 1 -. 4)
Directions: Think of a friend you haven't spoken or written to since the beginning of this
term. Write this friend a letter about your activities from the start of this school term to
the present time. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear (... ),
I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time. Lou of things have happened since I last
wrote w you.

EXERCISE 34. Writing: verb tense review. (Chapters 1 + 4)

Directions: Write about one (or both) of the following topics.

  1. Think of two or three important events that have occurred in your life in the vast vear
    or two. In a paragraph for each, briefly tell your reader aboutthese events a& give
    your opinions andlor predictions.

  2. Thiik of two or three important events that have occurred in the world in the past
    year or two. In a paragraph for each, briefly tell your reader about these events and
    give your opinions andlor predictions.

(a) When Ann arrived, Jack wasn't
there. He had lefi.
.f ,(. , ..'.


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