EXERCISE. <. 8. Ability, possibliity, and permission: CAN, MAY, and MIGHT.
.. (Charts 7-2 and 7-3)
Direcfionc Complete the sentences with can, muy, or might. Use the negative as
appropriate. Identify the meaning expressed by the modals: ability, possibility, or permission.
- I a play only one musical instrument: the piano. I I
play a guitar. (meaning expressed by modals: ability)
2. Tommy, you c stay up until eight tonight, but you
way w+/ca~(\ot stay up past that time.
(meaning erprssed by modalcpermission)
- A: What are you going to do this evening?
B: I don't know. I wav/wiqht stay home, or I wav/ntsht v
go over to Anita's house. (meaning expressed by modals: possibility) - A: What are you going to order?
, .. .& I don't know.* I have the tofu pasta. - A: Would you like some more food?
B: No thanks. I eat another bite. I'm full. - A: Is it okay if I have a piece of candy, Mom?
B: No, but you have an orange. - A: Which of these oranges is sweet? I like only sweet oranges.
B: How should I know? I tell if an orange is sweet
just by looking at it. you? Here. Try this one. It
be sweet enough for you. If it isn't, put some
sugar on it. - May I have everyone's attention? The test is about to begin. If you need to leave the
room during the examination, please raise your hand. You
leave the room without permission. Are there any questions? No? Then you
open your test booklets and begin. - A: What channel is the news special on tonight?
B: I'm not sure. It be on Channel Seven. Try that
one first.
'In informal spoken English "I don't know" is oftm pronounced 9 dunno."