Fundamentals Of English Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Connecting Ideas


8-1 Connecting ideas with and 8-5 Using and + too, so, sither, ndther
8-2 Connecting ideas with but and or 8-6 Connecting ideas with because

8-3 Connecting ideas with (^80) 8-7 Connecting ideas with own though1
8-4 Using auxiliary verbs after but and and although
EXERCISE 1. Preview. (Chapter 8)
Directions: Add punctuation (commas and periods) and capital letters if necessary. Do not
change or add any words.

  1. Butterflies are insects all insects have six legs.

+ Butte$ies are insects. All insects have six legs.

  1. Ants and butterflies are insects. Ok (no change)

  2. Ants butterflies cockroaches bees and flies are insects.

  3. Butterflies and bees are insects spiders are dierent from insects.

  4. Spiders have eight legs so they are not called insects.

  5. Most insects have wings but spiders do not

  6. Bees are valuable to us they pollinate crops

and provide us with honey.

  1. Some insects bite us and carry diseases.

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