Hors, 138,143
hourBbout, 149
hoeu far, 140
howlong, 141
how many (times), 139,322
how much, 318,322
how ofren, 139
u-clauses, 65
expressing funwe time in, 65
as noun clauses, 409,425
~ltubhr in noun clauses, 409,425
Immediate future (be about to), 74
Imperative sentences (St@!), 213
In, as preposition of time, 163
Independent clause, defined, 343fi.
Indirect speech (SEE Reported speech)
In6nitives (w eat), 373-374
withit (Itisu(syo&eggs), 141,
with modals~ w st&), 190
purpose (in order w), 391
with tw and wan& 394
verbs followed by, 373-374
Information quescio88,129
gerund (Swimming isfun), 368
present participle (They are swimming),
as adjective (an interesting book), 297
in tenses (SEE Progressive verbs)
spellii 29,32
In orde+ to, 3P1
Interested vs. inteesthag, 297
Intrsnsitive and transitive verbs. 280
Irregular noun plurals (roma&,fih), 158,
Irregular verbs (ear, a, earn), list, 33
It, to express distance (It is au, miles.. .),
It + infinitive (It is eagy w do), 387-388
It + tak (length of time), 141
It. vs. it's, 176
The least, 265
Less... than, 259
Lot's, 215
Lied vs. Lay, lain, 3 lfn.
Like, alike, 27 1
Like... better, 218
(A) littk, 3 18
Logical conclusion, 210
Main clause, 48,239,343fn.
Manylmuch, 3 18
May, 190,193
permission, 193, 197
polite question, 197
possibility, 60, 193
Maybe, 60,202
vs. may be, 193
Measure, units of (a cup of, a pzece on, 324
Midsentence adverbs (dy, seldom), 9,102
Might, 190,193
Modal auxiliaries, 190-2 10 (SEE ALSO
individual items)
in passive, 288
Morel-er... than, 252-253,257
The most/-eat, 252-253,265
Much, a lot, far, 258
Must, 190
logical conclusion, 210
necessity, 206
Must not, 207,210
Nearly, 248
adverbs (seldom, never), 9
be + not, 4
be + not + going w, 56
past progressive (waslwere not), 39
present perfect (haslhave not), 85
present progressive (amlislare not), 4
should + not (shouldn't), 202
simple past (did not), 26
simple present (doesldo not), 4, 19
will + not (won't), 59
(SEE ALSO Contractions of verbs)