Na'ther, 235
Non-action (nonprogressive) verbs (know,
want, belong), 17
Noncount nouns (furniture, mail),
units of measure with (two cups of tea),
used as count nouns (paper vs. a paper),
Not (SEE Negatives)
Notas ... as, 259
Noun clauses, 403-4 15
with ifwhether, 409,425
with question words (what he said),
reported speech, sequence of tenses, 423
with that (Ithink that.. .), 414-415
coundnoncount (chairslfurniture),
plural forms, 12, 158, 165
possessive (Tom's), 173
as subjects and objects, 159
used as adjectives (a flower garden), 168
Object pronouns, personal (him, them), 17 1
in adjective clauses (whom I met), 344,347
of a preposition (on the desk), 159
of a verb (k reading a book), 166
On, as time preposition (on Monday), 16'3
One of + plural noun, 265
Or, 228
Other, 181,183,186
Ought to, 190,202
Parallel structure with and, but, or, 226,
with verbs (walks and talks, is walking
and talkin&, 76
Participial adjectives (interested vs.
interesting), 297
Particles, in phrasal verbs (put away), 432
Partitives (SEE Units of measure)
Passive (It was mailed by Bob), 276
by-phrase, use of, 276,282
modal auxiliaries (should be mailed), 288
stative (is married), 292
summary of forms, 277,287
Past habit (I used im live in.. .), 52
Past participles, defined, 32,84
as adjectives (be tired, be surprised), 292
following get (get tired), 300
vs. -ing (interested vs. interestink,,
of irregular verbs, list, 33
in passive, 276-277
Past perfect (had leji), 11 2-1 13
Past progressive (was eating), 39
Past time, 24-52 (SEE ALSO Tenses)
Period, 226
Personal pronouns (she, him, they), 17 1
Phrasal verbs, list, 449-452
intransitive, 443
nonseparable, 432
separable, 432
three-word, 446
Phrase, defined, 403h
Plural nouns, 12,158 (SEE ALSO Singular
and plural)
Polite questions using modals (May R
W€wldyou?), 197, 199,218
in adjective clauses (whose), 359
nouns (Tom's), 173
pronouns and adjectives (mine and my),
hfer, 2 18
Prepositional phrases (on the desk), 161
Prepositions (ar,f/om, under):
combinations with verbs and adjectives,
followed by gerunds, 381
list, 161,463- 464
objects of, 161
as particle in phrasal verbs (put off,put
on), 432
of place, 162fn, 164
vs. time, word order, 164
placement in adjective clauses, 355
placement in information questions,
in stative passive (be married to), 292
of time (in, on, aZ), 163