5 Steps to a 5TM AP European History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

AP European History Practice Test 1, Section I, Part A (^) ‹ 215
Questions 15–17 refer to the following map:

  1. The map above was constructed by drawing
    a thin line for each voyage recorded in British
    trade ship logs between 1750 and 1800. As a
    result, the darker shaded areas record the most
    heavily traveled routes. Which of the following
    conclusions could be drawn from the evidence
    provided by this map?
    A. British ships did not sail along the west coast
    of Africa during this period.
    B. British ships did not sail the Atlantic Ocean
    during this period.
    C. British ships did not sail the Pacific Ocean
    during this period.
    D. British ships did not sail in the Indian Ocean
    during this period.

  2. The information provided by the map could be
    used as evidence to support which of the follow-
    ing assertions?
    A. British ships frequented a northwest passage
    through North American waters into the
    Pacific Ocean.
    B. China was a frequent destination of British
    trade ships.
    C. British trade ships frequented the Mediter-
    ranean Sea during this period.
    D. A Triangle of Trade connected Britain, North
    America, and the west coast of Africa.

  3. The information provided by the map could be
    used as evidence to support which of the follow-
    ing assertions?
    A. British trade ships of this period reached
    trade ports in India by sailing southward
    around the horn of Africa and into the Indian
    B. British trade ships of this period transported
    slaves from western Africa to the New World.
    C. British trade ships of this period reached India
    by sailing west through the Mediterranean
    Sea and through the Suez Canal into the
    Indian Ocean.
    D. British trade ships of this period did not
    travel to India.

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